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Bug Overlaying Volume on the same subchart as Symbol  [SOLVED]

Posted: Nov 14 2006
by Guest
Plot any symbol on subchart 1, set the Axis Type (scaling ) to semi-log

Overlay Volume indicator on subchart 1, same as the symbol. Set the Axis Type to linear.

I noticed after saving the workspace and restarting, the scale for Volume goes to semi-log everytime.

Posted: Nov 14 2006
by Alex Kramer
This is to be expected.
If you set the Scale Type "Same as Symbol", the study will assume the same scale as symbol when the workspace is reloaded.
Set another scale type and after saving/reloading the study will remain in Linear.

Posted: Nov 15 2006
by Guest
This is to be expected.
If you set the Scale Type "Same as Symbol", the study will assume the same scale as symbol when the workspace is reloaded.
Set another scale type and after saving/reloading the study will remain in Linear.
Please read what i wrote carefully.
I said Volume was plotted on the same subchart as the Symbol. I did not say I set Scale Type "Same as Symbol"

Plot any symbol on subchart 1, set the Axis Type (scaling ) to semi-log

Overlay Volume indicator on subchart 1.
Set the Axis Type to linear.

I noticed after saving the workspace and restarting, the scale for Volume goes to semi-log everytime.

Posted: Nov 15 2006
by Alex Kramer
When I tried that, I was not able to reproduce this with version .1126 - the scale setting for the Volume stays Linear as it was set before saving the workspace and closing.

This is why I assumed the "same as symbol" meant the scaling option.