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HiJacking attempt by studyserver.exe?

Posted: Dec 20 2006
by rhornung
I just go this message today from my firewall....

Application Hijacking has been detected
The application: C:\Program Files\TS Support\PLEditor\StudyServer.exe try to launch another application: C:\Program Files\Bracket Trader\2005\BracketTrader.exe

Why would studyserver.exe be trying to launch brackettrader.exe?

Posted: Dec 21 2006
by Kate
Most likely, you have some studies or signals that use Bracket Trader for order execution or for some other things and that's why it is launched. You need to search for the reason in the studies you are using.

Posted: Dec 23 2006
by rhornung
I have looked at any/all studies that are active and NONE are call
Are you indicating that there is a study in use (active on a chart) that is looking to contact bracket trader.exe to place a trade for me?
ALL studies on my chart(s) are the "canned" studies.......Please explain further.
Thank you!

Posted: Dec 25 2006
by Kate

Could you contact us via our Live Chat or give us a call? The situation seems unusual and we need to connect to your desktop to analyze it further.