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EasyLangauge Code Question - bartype_ex

Posted: Mar 28 2007
by Guest
for bartype_ex what do the followin retrieve exactly?
Quarter = 10,
Points = 11,
Change = 12,
OrigPoints = 13,


Posted: Mar 29 2007
by Stanley Miller
This means the type of chart i.e. 10 - quaterly bars, 11 - point bars, etc.

In MultiCharts it is possible to create count-based (tick, volume, change or range) and time-based (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years) charts.

Tick-Based Charts

Tick is the information on each real trade (or bids and asks of potential trades) received from a data provider. It consists of the price, time and volume.

A tick chart consists of bars. Every bar is based on a tick group, which consists of a defined number of successive ticks. The first tick of the group forms the bar's Open element, the tick with the highest price forms the bar's High element, the tick with the lowest price forms the Low element and the last tick of the group forms the bar's Close element.

Note. A 1-tick chart consists of dots representing the price values of incoming ticks (quotes).

How to plot

1. Access the Format Symbol window.

There are four ways to access the Format Symbol window:
1. In the menu select Format and click Symbol…
2. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. Click the Format Symbol icon on the Chart Analysis toolbar.


1. Right-click in any part of the chart area (except for the scales' areas).
2. Select Format Symbols... from the shortcut menu.
3. SSelect the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.
2. Select Format 'Symbol name'… from the shortcut menu.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.

2. Select the Settings tab.
3. In the Compression field set the desirable number of ticks to build each bar.
4. In the drop-down list of resolution types select Tick.


Enter the necessary command in the command line (click here to find out how to use the command line).

Note. The maximal compression size for this compression type is 1,000,000 ticks.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500 and 5000 ticks resolution:
Click the Tick Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar and select the required resolution from the drop-down list.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar, point to Tick Bar and select the required resolution from the drop-down list..

Time-Based Charts

The choice of a time-based resolution depends on the user's preferences and trading style. In case of long-term trading daily, weekly, monthly etc. charts are usually used, allowing for long-term trend tracing. For intraday trading, resolutions from ticks to hours are commonly used.

A time-based chart consists of bars. Each bar is based on a group of price data events (quotes), including all the price data for a defined period of time. The first quote of the group forms the bar's Open element, the quote with the highest price forms the High element, the quote with lowest price forms the Low element and the last quote of the group forms the bar's Close element.

How to plot

1. Access the Format Symbol window.

There are four ways to access the Format Symbol window:
1. In the menu select Format and click Symbol…
2. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. Click the Format Symbol icon on the Chart Analysis toolbar.


1. Right-click in any part of the chart area (except for the scales' areas).
2. Select Format Symbols... from the shortcut menu.
3. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.
2. Select Format 'Symbol name'… from the shortcut menu.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.

2. Select the Settings tab.
3. In the Compression field set the necessary number of the time periods.
4. Select the required time period from the drop-down list. Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters and Years are available.


Enter the necessary command in the command line (click here to find out how to use the command line).

Note. The maximal compression size is: 86400 for seconds, 1440 for minutes, 24 for hours, 30 for days, 52 for weeks, 12 for months, 4 for quarters and 10 for years.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 and 60 seconds resolution:
Click the Second Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar and select the required resolution from the drop-down list.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar, point to Second Bar and select the desirable resolution from the drop-down list.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 and 60 minutes resolution:
Click the Minute Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar and select the required resolution from the drop-down list.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar, point to Minute Bar and select the desirable resolution from the drop-down list.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1-Hour resolution:
Click the Hourly Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar and select the Hourly Bar icon.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1-Day resolution:
Click the Daily Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar and select the Daily Bar icon.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1-Week resolution:
Click the Weekly Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar and select the Weekly Bar icon.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1-Month resolution:
Click the Monthly Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar and select the Monthly Bar icon.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1-Quarter resolution:
Click the Quarterly Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar and select the Quarterly Bar icon.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1-Year resolution:
Click the Yearly Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar and select the Yearly Bar icon.

Range-Based Charts

A range-based chart displays the price changes in points. If the price of the next tick moves from the open price of the current bar at least by the defined number of points, this tick forms the Close element of the bar. The next tick forms the Open element of the next bar.

Note: If the price difference between the current and the next tick does not exceed the defined number of points, no new bar is created.

There are 2 range-based chart types available in MultiCharts: True Range-based charts and Original Range-based charts. The difference between these 2 types is how the price moves exceeding the defined number of points are handled:

True Range-based chart: All the bars are equal in height. The high-low range for each of the bars represents exactly the defined number of points. If the price movement between the current and next tick exceeds the defined number of points, as many "virtual" bars as required to cover this price movement are created. This allows getting smooth charts always thus prevents sensitive indicators from malfunctioning.

Original Range-based chart: The bars may be not equal in height. The bars displaying large price movement can be several times as high as the other bars displaying small price changes. If the price movement between the current and next tick exceeds the defined number of points, an oversized bar is created to cover this price movement.

The bar elements of a range-based chart always coincide in pairs. Either the Open element coincides with the High element and simultaneously the Close element coincides with the Low element, or the Open element coincides with the Low element and simultaneously the Close element coincides with the High element.

Note. A range-based chart can be created from tick data only.
Note. The each bar may cover different time period due to its tick-based nature.
Important. Максимальное количество ценовых данных используемых для построения одного бара это один (1) торговый день (включая все сессии за этот день).

How to plot

1. Access the Format Symbol window.

There are four ways to access the Format Symbol window:
1. In the menu select Format and click Symbol…
2. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. Click the Format Symbol icon on the Chart Analysis toolbar.


1. Right-click in any part of the chart area (except for the scales' areas).
2. Select Format Symbols... from the shortcut menu.
3. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.
2. Select Format 'Symbol name'… from the shortcut menu.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.

2. Select the Settings tab.
3. In the Compression field indicate the number of the price movement for creating a bar.
4. In the drop-down list of resolution types select:
a) Point to plot True Range-based chart
b) Point(original) to plot Original Range-based chart.


Enter the necessary command in the command line (click here to find out how to use the command line).

Note. The max compression size for this compression type is 10,000 points.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 points resolution:
Click the Range Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar and select the required resolution from the drop-down list.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar, point to Range Bar and select the required resolution from the drop-down list..

Volume-Based Charts

A volume-based chart consists of bars showing volume as a defined amount of contracts traded, or as the number of contracts in bid size or ask size depending on the selected field type.

Since the bar is opened, the volumes of every incoming tick are added to it. Often, as a new tick arrives, the total current bar volume exceeds the set amount. In this case part of the tick volume required to close the bar stays in the current bar and the excess is transferred to the next bar.

For instance, 4 ticks arriving from a data provider have volumes of 300, 150, 100 and 450 contracts. The 500 contracts volume chart will be created as follows: the first volume bar will completely include the first two ticks (300 and 150 contracts) and 50 contracts from the third bar; the remaining 50 contracts from the third bar will go to the second volume bar.

How to plot

1. Access the Format Symbol window.

There are four ways to access the Format Symbol window:
1. In the menu select Format and click Symbol…
2. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. Click the Format Symbol icon on the Chart Analysis toolbar.


1. Right-click in any part of the chart area (except for the scales' areas).
2. Select Format Symbols... from the shortcut menu.
3. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.
2. Select Format 'Symbol name'… from the shortcut menu.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.

2. Select Settings tab.
3. In the Compression field indicate the necessary number of the volume for creating a bar.
4. In the drop-down list of resolution types select Contract.


Enter the necessary command in the command line (click here to find out how to use the command line).

Note. The max compression size for this compression type depends on the data provider.

Tip. To quickly create charts with 1000, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000 and 100000 contracts resolution:
Click the Volume Bar icon on the Resolution toolbar and select the required resolution from the drop-down list.

Click the arrow near the Resolution icon on the Command Line toolbar, point to Volume Bar and select the required resolution from the drop-down list..

Understanding the Build Volume On Selector

The Build Volume On selector defines the method of volume handling.
To set the required method:
a) Select Trade Volume to represent the volume value as the number of traded contracts (or bids and asks).
b) Select Tick Count to represent the volume value as the number of trades (or bids and asks).

Note. The mode of volume calculation influences only the volume studies, the chart doesn't change.

Change-Based Charts

A Change-based chart consists of bars. Each bar displays a defined amount of change in price.

For instance, 8 ticks arriving from a data provider have prices of 18, 18.5, 19, 19, 19, 18.5, 19 and 20. The 2 changes chart will be created as following: the first change bar will include the first three ticks (as 2 price changes occurred), the second change bar will include the four following ticks (as only 2 price changes occurred in those) and the 20 value will be included in the third bar.

How to plot

1. Access the Format Symbol window.

There are four ways to access the Format Symbol window:
1. In the menu select Format and click Symbol…
2. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. Click the Format Symbol icon on the Chart Analysis toolbar.


1. Right-click in any part of the chart area (except for the scales' areas).
2. Select Format Symbols... from the shortcut menu.
3. Select the symbol to be formatted and click the Format… button.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.
2. Select Format 'Symbol name'… from the shortcut menu.

1. In the chart point the cursor at the price series. The Pointer cursor will change into Hand , then double-click.

2. Select Settings tab.
3. In the Compression field indicate the necessary number of the price changes for creating a bar.
4. In the drop-down list of resolution types select Change.

Posted: Mar 29 2007
by Guest
Thanks for the info. However, I was more insterested in what the reserve word bartype_ex would retrieve.

I'm looking for two things.
1) a reserve word that retrieves the min tick size. For example, for the s&p this reserve word would retrieve .25, for the euro it would retrive .0001 etc...

2) I'm trying to calculate a indicator on the next smallest time frame without having to build an invisible chart behind the current visible chart. If I have a 700 volume chart, is it possible to build an array that would generate the OHLC for a 100 volume chart? Can we retrieve the tick data within a bar?

Thank you for your time in answereing my questions. I appreciate it.

Posted: Apr 03 2007
by Stanley Miller
Thanks for the info. However, I was more insterested in what the reserve word bartype_ex would retrieve.
It returns the type of the bar.
I'm looking for two things.
1) a reserve word that retrieves the min tick size. For example, for the s&p this reserve word would retrieve .25, for the euro it would retrive .0001 etc...
2) I'm trying to calculate a indicator on the next smallest time frame without having to build an invisible chart behind the current visible chart. If I have a 700 volume chart, is it possible to build an array that would generate the OHLC for a 100 volume chart? Can we retrieve the tick data within a bar?
I don't quite understand you. What do you mean by generate the OHLC?

Posted: Apr 03 2007
by Guest
1) for the minmove reserve word. I tried putting it into a numtostr so I could see what it was retrieving exactly and it was giving me different numbers. For the ES it was retrieving "1" and for the YM (dow mini) it was retriving the same number. The min tick for the YM is "1" and the min tick for the es is ".25". Not sure it's retrieving what I'm looking for. The code I used for this is the following.

var: TextID(0);


2) I have a 700 volume chart I will be applying an indicator to. For the current bar of 700 contracts, I would like to generate 7 arrays that will produce the following

Array(1)=close after the 1st 100 contract traded
Array(2)=close after the 2nd 100 contracts traded
Array(3)=close after the 3rd 100 contracts traded
Array(4)=close after the 4th 100 contracts traded
Array(5)=close after the 5th 100 contracts traded
Array(6)=close after the 6th 100 contracts traded
Array(7)=close of 700 volume bar

I hope this is a little clearer. Thank you for all your help.

Posted: Apr 03 2007
by Stanley Miller
1) for the minmove reserve word. I tried putting it into a numtostr so I could see what it was retrieving exactly and it was giving me different numbers. For the ES it was retrieving "1" and for the YM (dow mini) it was retriving the same number. The min tick for the YM is "1" and the min tick for the es is ".25". Not sure it's retrieving what I'm looking for. The code I used for this is the following.

var: TextID(0);

Actually the correct formula should be:

Code: Select all

plot1(minmove / pricescale);
If it returns incorrect value you have to check symbol settings in the QuoteManager.

Posted: Apr 03 2007
by Guest
That works perfectly! Thank you.

Any ideas on how I can answer question#2. I understand that it may not be possible.

Thanks for your help.