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MAJOR BUG: When combining indicators...

Posted: Apr 21 2007
by Januson
I was trying to reproduce the candlesticks to show you that Multicharts have a major bug :shock:

I have created 2 very simple indicators

Code: Select all

PlotPaintBar(high, low);

PlotPaintBar(open, close)
I did remove "Use margins" as I've found out that each indicator has it own setting and that the percent setting would mix things totally up (I actually also think that the margin setting should be done by the SubWindow and not the indicator settings, but that's another story) :wink:

Anyway as you can see at the attached screenshot I'm showing ScaleBug1 and ScaleBug2 separated and combined, and when they are combined a terrible thing happen and the plotter gets confused.

When can we expect to see that fixed?

Kind regards

Posted: Apr 22 2007
by Nick
Scaling is messed up I have just spent two hours trying to work out bugs in some code I have written turns out there is no bug that MC is just plotting things wrong.

Try and plot a study on top of volume (standard deviation will do - it does not matter). It scales to the whole screen whatever you try to do it will not scale with the volume.

This is as Januson said major. It is imperative that MC can relaibly and acurately recieve and display data. It is failing to do this.

I am frustrated and anoyed this is a release product now if I had of knwn that this would be the state of things two years ago I would have not gone anywhere near MC to be honest.


Posted: Apr 22 2007
by denizen2
Just to add my own observations on this 'bug' concerning Indicator-Scales not being correct:

I have created the same two plot testing indicators. (1) called TestPlotting, and the (2) PlotPaintBarOpen2Close. The attached file shows both of these two indicators plotted in sub-chart window #2, where the first one is colored Red, while the second one (Open2Close) is colored Aqua.

Next I added to the plot the 'Tracking' type indicator-lines. Please note the vertical AND horizontal lines are supposed to be 'tracking' the same date-time AND the price-levels in BOTH subchart #1 and #2, right? So check the yellow up-bar just to the left of the vertical-line. You will see that I have placed the horizontal-level in the Chart #1 right at the bottom level, or the 'close' level. Now check the subchart #2, and you will see that the Aqua bar (Open2Close) does not terminate at the horizontal-cursor-level, for the same bar as in the top price chart. :roll:

This 'issue' seems to be related to some very vague 'definition' of what is the basis for ANY two indicators that might be 'related' by price-levels. I have always I had the question of what is being used for the calculation of any sub-chart's scale AND the scale-ORIGIN. Clearly, it is (or should be) obvious that when ever the software has calculated the origin and scale of one indicator (and/or price-bars), then if the user adds another indicator to the SAME chart that is 'related' by price-levels, THEN the scale AND origin of the added indicator MUST be co-ordinated with the original symbol-price-based plot. Otherwise, the added indicator is likely to have something calculated for the origin and/or scale that causes the two plots to be what we see here. :wink:

By the way, if I chose the indicator plots in the subchart #2 to be 'scaled' the same as the 'Symbol', rather than using the 'Screen' option, the problem issue we see here still occurs. So what's going on?

Posted: Apr 24 2007
by Kate
Thank you for this information. We confirm this bug and are going to fix it. But unfortunately this fix won't be included in MultiCharts 2.1 because we have begun testing this beta-candidate version. It will be included in MultiCharts 2.2.

Posted: Apr 24 2007
by denizen2
Thank you for this information. We confirm this bug and are going to fix it. But unfortunately this fix won't be included in MultiCharts 2.1 because we have begun testing this beta-candidate version. It will be included in MultiCharts 2.2.
Kate and TSSupport,
Thanks for the confirming of this reported bug ( that I might label as Multiple-Plots-In-Same-SubChart-Scaling 'bug').

Please note that this issue of scaling (and scale-origin) is encountered in both symbol-price charts as well as indicators that are not plotted in price-units.

In the case of price-unit charts, it is, of course, ESSENTIAL that both the ORIGIN and SCALE for all superimposed plots are the same. BUT, In the case of super-imposed mixture of symbol-prices from DIFFERENT symbols, then there should be different scales provided (e.g., on the Right and Left sides of chart?, as specified by the user).

In the case of super-imposed indicators in the same sub-chart, the user should have the OPTION of specifying if the added indicator should 'share' the same origin and/or same scale as the existing indicator (e.g., two indicators such as oscillators may have a shared-zero-line as the 'origin', but they might have a different scale and both scales should be separately displayed rather than 'shared' as the same scale.

I happen to be aware of only one software company that has implemented this scaling and origin issue in a 'correct' manner, e.g., Equis Metastock. If you have access to that software, please suggest that the designers look at their design/implementation as a specific example or model for this issue. :idea: There might be others, but I am not currently aware of any. :P

Looking forward to a re-designed approach to the plot scaling/origin issue.

Posted: Apr 24 2007
by Januson
Hello Kate, thank you for your posting.

Maybe You should develop a hotfix release then ;)