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OpenECry data source plugin

Posted: Apr 24 2007
by Kate
Dear customers,

We invite you to take part in testing OpenECry data source plugin. Please unzip this folder and run regoecdatafeed777.bat. Also please make sure that you have Net Framework 2.0. To add symbols you need to use Add symbol->From data source.

Your help will be very appreciated.

Posted: Apr 24 2007
by trader273
I opened the zip file and ran what I was supposed too, but when I went to add a symbol I dont see anything for Open Ecry, Am I just missing something here?


Posted: Apr 24 2007
by trader273
I see it now if I "add symbol manually", but can not get any data loaded. I dont see it in the "add symbol from data source"

Posted: Apr 24 2007
by ybfjax
Thanks. Next time send out an e-mail. Due to the OEC configuration, you can only login to OEC once at a time. So I will have to have another demo acct setup for MC.

I am assuming you have setup for both demo and live accts right? I'll find out later tomorrow or over the weekend.

Another should send out an e-mail whenever a change like this is announced to all of your existing client base.

Posted: Apr 26 2007
by Kate
Dear customers,

OpenECry changed their API.dll that is pointing to their server, so please download the new plug-in, unzip it and run regoecdatafeed777.bat. First time when you open QuoteManager this plug-in will be registered, then please close QuoteManager and open it again.

Posted: Apr 26 2007
by ybfjax
Funny. I'm charting with neoticker and the OEC datafeed is working just fine.

Anyway, let's say you didn't install the first OEC plugin yet. Do I still follow the instructions with the .bat file?

Posted: Apr 26 2007
by futurestrader019
Another should send out an e-mail whenever a change like this is announced to all of your existing client base.
I agree - any big announcements, such as this, NEED to be sent via email, not buried on a forum page. I realize this is not a big deal if you do not use OEC, but for those that do, this is a very nice addition. It eliminates the need for paying for data and you can work with your broker.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by ybfjax
I agree - any big announcements, such as this, NEED to be sent via email, not buried on a forum page. I realize this is not a big deal if you do not use OEC, but for those that do, this is a very nice addition. It eliminates the need for paying for data and you can work with your broker.
Not just OEC feed, but in general. Beta releases and updates should be messaged via client e-mail. Either after each release, or on a regular schedule, like once per week.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by ybfjax
Dear customers,

OpenECry changed their API.dll that is pointing to their server, so please download the new plug-in, unzip it and run regoecdatafeed777.bat. First time when you open QuoteManager this plug-in will be registered, then please close QuoteManager and open it again.
Let me clarify. Do I need to copy the Open Ecry folder somewhere special? Or all I need to do is run the regoecdatafeed777? I ran it and then opened quotemgr. Did not see it. Then I shut down quote mgr and reopened it. Again, didn't see it.

Can someone clarify exactly what I need to do to get this up and running.?

Edit: I tried restarting windows, copying the entire zipped contents into datafeeds folder. I'm lost. I made sure all the processes were terminated before restarting. I don't see it in the "add symbol > manually" either. So any tips would be helpful.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by Kate
Sorry for this inconvenience, but please download and use this final edition of OpenEcry plug-in and let me explain why we have uploaded this dll. for the third time.

OpenECry released a new API.dll pointing to a new server name that is By the end of this week those API users that point to will be disabled and that's why we released the new OpenECry.dll that will address to So the first dll. will work till the end of this week.

If you have already downloaded the first or second OpenECry dll, you can download the third one and it will overwrite the previous dll. The procedure is the same.

Also I want to inform you that the first time when we tried to connect to our login and password failed and we had to contact OpenECry and ask them to enable our registration data for this server.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by Kate
Another should send out an e-mail whenever a change like this is announced to all of your existing client base.
I agree - any big announcements, such as this, NEED to be sent via email, not buried on a forum page. I realize this is not a big deal if you do not use OEC, but for those that do, this is a very nice addition. It eliminates the need for paying for data and you can work with your broker.
Ybfjax and Futurestrader019,

We haven't sent a notification to our customers because it is only a beta candidate dll. and we uploaded it for those users who want to take part in its beta-testing. As soon as we release a new beta version of MultiCharts containing this dll. we will notify all the users via email.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by Kate
I see it now if I "add symbol manually", but can not get any data loaded. I dont see it in the "add symbol from data source"

Since this new dll. is registered dynamically, i.e. on start of QuoteManager, so you need to open it (the first time it will not be listed among the datafeeds), then close and reopen and it will appear in the list.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by ybfjax
The OEC betas wont work for current clients of OEC. Do you have a beta that works with the existing api that demo and live accts are on right now for OEC? That would be nice, as we don't know when exactly OEC will put out the new API.

Please advise.

If anyone was able to login to OEC feed (besides admin), please let me know what settings you used.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by Kate

We also asked OpenECry team to enable our current login and password for the new server name This first dll. is working with their previous server name,

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by Kate
Dear customers,

Open E Cry asks you to contact them and they will create a testing login for everyone who wants to participate in this testing.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by ybfjax
Dear customers,

Open E Cry asks you to contact them and they will create a testing login for everyone who wants to participate in this testing.
who did you talk to?

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by Kate
Brian Weis

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by ybfjax
Brian Weis
Okay. I was in contact with Dan, my main customer support contact. He said he will set me up with the correct username and password. I will report what happens today with the feed.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by ybfjax
Okay. It appears as if they did set me up with the username/password. I was able to login to OEC from the quotemgr. However, when I type * to search for all symbols, I cant do this. When I connected with live support, they were able to do this.

In fact, I cannot pull a single symbol.

But we are making progress. First I wasn't able to logon at all. Now it can logon, but can't get any data.

EDIT: I called OEC and they forgot to set me up for the symbols. They set me up for all the contracts. I restarted QMgr and everything appears OK.

Posted: Apr 27 2007
by ybfjax
One thing I noticed. If you try to connect via Quotemgr, and then have a chart open at the same time in multicharts, you get an error that user is already connected.

This is interesting, as I would have thought that quotemgr would share its connection with MC.

OEC only allows one username to be used once only.

Another thing. I noticed that when using * to obtain all the symbols used, you get over 2k. Which is a good thing :lol:

But I wish I could sort by description or exchange. Currently, it only allows sorting by symbol.

BTW, I had to add an exchange: EUR (eurex). No biggie.

Posted: Apr 30 2007
by futurestrader019
Josh -good to hear you are getting it to work now b/c I can't get it to work at all. Would you mind sharing step-by-step how you got this to work?

I attached a screenshot of what I am seeing on the QuoteManager - a tiny bit of data comes in, but not nearly enough to get anything on the chart. And then you see that error there as well - External Component has thrown an exception.

No idea here.

Posted: Apr 30 2007
by Guest
how much historical data is available from openecry?

Posted: Apr 30 2007
by ybfjax
how much historical data is available from openecry?
It's supposed to be 3 months of minute data. tick data seems to only be streaming. But in reality, only about 2-3 weeks of minute data is saved. Daily bars is about 3 months. I think their programmers are in the process of correcting that so that 3 months of minute data will be available.

Keep in mind that it's better than NO historical data at all.


I will be using MC with OEC full blast tomorrow. I took a break from it today. On friday, I tested it with one or two symbols and the historical and RT data was coming in fine.

Tomorrow I will have over 20 symbols and testing them live and trading.

I was using NeoTicker, but right now the demo feed is having problems (not OEC, but NT)

Keep in mind with OEC, you must call them and get a special demo username and password and have the symbols enabled. If you can login, then that probably means you have the correct login.

That error looks like something admin should respond to.

I noticed

Posted: May 01 2007
by ybfjax
The data appears to be coming in fine for intraday. I am currently adding more workspaces and more charts. I am using a comcast internet connection.

With NeoTicker, I was able to obtain intraday data back to April 4th, 2007. But that was 2 weeks ago. So apparently, you can only obtain a rolling 2 weeks of historical intraday data. So if you want more, you'll just have to stay logged in.

I've noticed 2 issues so far:

1) The daily divider line ends at 0100 instead of 0000. But the normal time is accurate.

2) when I first pulled up a 5 minute chart, I was fine with all the historical data (no gaps) for 6EM7. I went to draw a separate 2 minute 6EM7, and there is a big gap between midnight (0100) and 0920, which is about when I started real-time updates. So it is almost as if MC does not fill in that gap for the intraday data. I know MC has the data, because the 5 minute chart has it. I will attatch a screenshot.

I tried to call support, but they are not picking up.

Posted: May 01 2007
by ybfjax
The same thing happened to 6JM7. (no screenshot because I used the same chart instead of a new chart window).

But I noticed something. It seems like if you ADD a symbol as a subgraph to an existing chart with a different timeframe, there is no gap in the data. When I did this with the 2m and added the 5m as a subgraph, there was no gap. Then if you proceed to then create a new chart, there is no gap in the new chart. So afterwards, I opened a 5m chart separately, and plenty of data pored through.

I forgot, the EUR is on labor day. The markets are closed for them as well. Perhaps that is why TS support is off.

Posted: May 01 2007
by ybfjax
Too many history requests. but some good news. MC automatically reconnected to the live feed immediately (towards the bottom of the screenshot). I closed out the 6A 5min chart and reopened it. I got that gap thing again. But I tried that trick I mentioned above (adding the desired timeframe as a subgraph of the existing chart, then reopening a new separate chart of the desired timeframe).

But that "too many history request" thing I've run into with other symbols as well. There has to be a way around this. Perhaps requesting multiple days at once vs 1 day's worth of data at a time. For 3 weeks, that's about 15-17 separate trading days worth of requests. Perhaps OEC is rejecting this.

Posted: May 01 2007
by ybfjax
Now I am not getting errors, but the data requests are coming up empty. In other words, your software is requesting the data, but isn't actually downloading anything

Remember, I've only requested a total of 7 symbols so far (about 3 weeks for each symbol).

This results in all new symbols requested the charts are coming up as "no data"

Posted: May 02 2007
by ybfjax
I cannot get any data for the OEC softs:


The data is there. I was able to pull it with NeoTicker (when I had the acct with them).


Posted: May 07 2007
by ybfjax
I've been working with admin over the last several days and we were able to repair most of the problems associated with the OEC plugin

So the developer made some changes:

1) There was a problem where wouldn't get data for certain symbols (the softs mainly).

So we switched the server to . Then I got data and minute backfill for any symbol I requested.

2) The way MC was requesting the data from OEC, you would often get a "too many history request" error if you opened a workspace or several charts. Sometimes even 1-2 charts would do this. This would freeze up any existing charts and force you to close out some downloading charts in order to get more data. Or it would just flat disconnect and reconnect all of the open symbols. The downloading charts would still be frozen waiting for data. Quote Mgr was sending way too many request (like 5 minute increments of 1 minute backfill bars)

So the developer modified the code to send just a couple of request to receive all of the data. This got rid of that history request error.

Now when the first symbol is requested, it will take about 1 min to load. When a separate chart of the SAME symbol is requested, that new chart should load within 15 seconds. One day MC will load the local database quickly, or at least x amount of bars.

3) OEC has released a new api recently that should allow for faster downloading of data. We'll see what happens.

Now admin should be posting a new dll that will incorporate OEC's new api. And some if not all of the changes I listed above will be in this next update. I thought this new api would have been uploaded today, but perhaps they forgot before they left.

I spend entire trading sessions with admin working with this OEC plugin to get it to be a workable feed. Most people would not have done this. But most admins would not have spent the time correcting and improving the plug-in right on the spot like that.

I now have respect for ALL those who have reported and worked with admin to help get rid of bugs. A very time-consuming process.

And I appreciate TSsupport for taking me seriously and implementing these changes quickly. Most admins would have flopped.

Don't forget to tell OEC that your plugin beta is available so that they can add this to their news release.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: May 08 2007
by Kate
Dear customers,

I've attached a new Open E Cry plug-in with their new API dll. and the improvements already described by Josh. The procedure is the same, you will need to unzip this folder and run regoecdatafeed777.bat.

Posted: May 08 2007
by Kate

Thank you for your time and help in beta-testing of this plug-in.

Posted: May 08 2007
by ybfjax

Thank you for your time and help in beta-testing of this plug-in.
You are welcome.

BTW, the data loading is MUCH faster. Great job. I still feel like when loading multple symbols it gets hung up a bit, but It is what it is.

Here is a screenshot of opening 2 workspaces in 2 separate instances of MC. One workspace had 4 symbols, the other 6 symbols.

But one improvement I can suggest is that with multiple charts of the SAME symbol, I wish MC had a more efficient way to handle this. It appears as if for data loading purposes, it treats each chart individually. If they are the SAME symbol, then multiple requests for SAME SYMBOL data of different timeframe charts shouldn't be necessary. If I have 5 charts of QMM7 open, then only 1 OEC server request for data should be sufficient. It's all the same data, right? So why request it 5 different times simultaneously?

I opened up a 3rd instance of MC and loaded 2 more workspaces. A total of 4 unique symbols, with 6 charts for each symbol. So 12 charts for each workspace. And I got the too many history requests error again. The second screenshot will show that. Again, I only loaded 4 unique symbols. But it seems like each chart makes a separate request,

But MC did recover quickly. It waits 2 minutes, and then proceeded to load the stalled chart.

So OEC should work on that too many history request thing. Or perhaps MC could improve on this a little more.

But overall, MUCH better. And once you get your symbols loaded, the real-time feed is no problem.

Posted: May 10 2007
by Kate
But one improvement I can suggest is that with multiple charts of the SAME symbol, I wish MC had a more efficient way to handle this. It appears as if for data loading purposes, it treats each chart individually. If they are the SAME symbol, then multiple requests for SAME SYMBOL data of different timeframe charts shouldn't be necessary. If I have 5 charts of QMM7 open, then only 1 OEC server request for data should be sufficient. It's all the same data, right? So why request it 5 different times simultaneously?

So far data for only tick-based and volume-based charts is requested as a single data object. In the future this improvement will be available for time-based charts as well.

Posted: May 10 2007
by ybfjax
But since I only run ONE instance of MC and shut down and restarted MC and with the new API, it is good.

I wanted to confirm: I no longer need the api version of the demo (special demo). I can use a regular demo acct to access this OEC plugin, correct?

If the API demo will no longer work, I will have OEC switch it to the regular username/password.

Another improvement is bad ticks. I wish there was a way to filter out bad ticks right from the chart, or add a filter that will disallow ticks beyond a certain range from the previous last price. Unfortunately, you have to shut down MC, open quote mgr, and edit out everything.

I don't mind the editing, but at least let me do it right from the chart. And when the database list opens, it could point directly to where I was pointing to on the chart. Then, I could reload (from the local database).

Posted: May 17 2007
by ybfjax
Now I am loading my charts (I have about 100 individual charts, although only about 20 unique symbols).

I had shut down MC to restart and it took about 50 minutes for the charts to load. The chart data didn't start appearing until about the 45 minute mark.

I didn't get that "too many history requests" error. Yet.

So if I were in a situation where I had to shut down and reload, I would be in serious trouble.

This occurred after live help was gone for the day.

But I guess I did notice that the lagging occurs with 100% cpu usage. The lag disappeared with the restart and little CPU usage.

But what is causing that CPU usage? I only run MC, OEC trader, and occassionally internet explorer or Opera web browser. And CPU usage right now is between 15-40%, depending on mouse movement If I add the OEC quote window, that adds about 30%

Posted: May 18 2007
by ybfjax
Ok. About the CPU usage. I noticed that MC actually doesn't use much CPU. Neither does OEC Trader, EXCEPT when you have the quote window open with a LOT of quotes So I just closed out the OEC trader quote window entirely and about 1/3-1/2 of my CPU usage came back. But I need the quote window to pull up a dom quickly. Also to see the total volume for the day and last price data.

One thing that I did do was for the OEC trader quote window. I removed some of the columns that I don't use, like bid size, ask size, bid qty, ask qty, etc. I can always open a dom for that anyway. With less stuff to update, the CPU usage dropped considerably.

So now, it's between 30 and 60%

But overall improvement is much better. Somethig to keep in mind.

Posted: May 22 2007
by ybfjax
Yep. Overall, this improvement in CPU usage makes all of the charts load a lot faster. And adding new charts appear to be much faster.