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How to add eSignal forex data from specific sources?

Posted: May 16 2007
by sparkz
I've got the standard eSignal forex symbols (eg. EUR A0-FX) but wanted to play around with the specfic ones from other sources like GAIN, FXCH, HOTS.

Is this possible? I know you can see the source in the eSignal Data Manager.

It maybe a waste of time but I wanted to merge specific symbols to get a more realistic sample and eliminate of the spikey data from some sources.


Posted: May 17 2007
by Kate
If eSignal provides Forex symbols which names contain the information from which sources data is received then you will be able to use them in MultiCharts.

Posted: May 17 2007
by sparkz
Ok, maybe it was just bad luck but the first one I looked at was: EUR@GAIN A0-FX. eSignal data manager allows you to monitor the symbol so I guess it must exist. However, I can't get MC to see it.

I did find the other ones but they all come under futures? eg. EUR@FXCM A0-FX

Does this mean they're going to work alright?

Posted: May 18 2007
by Kate
I managed to plot both symbols (EUR@GAIN A0-FX and EUR@FXCM A0-FX). What happens when you try to add them?

Posted: May 18 2007
by sparkz
Ok, I managed to do it now. I had to add the exchange first in QuoteManager (FXC) and then add it via the futures tab.

Why does it come under futures?

Posted: May 21 2007
by Kate
eSignal regards them as futures, you can check this in the eSignal native application.

Posted: May 24 2007
by sparkz
Thanks for the information. I haven't got their chart program, just the data feed.