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Problem installing EL Collection

Posted: Jul 21 2013
by learner1
Hi guys

I have problems installing ELCollections. I have put the ELCollection.dll file in the installation folder. Afterwards, I imported the elcollection.eld file and compiled everything.

However, when I try to run my indicator I get the following error message: Error in study.
Can't find dll "elcollections.dll".
Thank you for your help.

Re: Problem installing EL Collection

Posted: Jul 21 2013
by TJ
Hi guys

I have problems installing ELCollections. I have put the ELCollection.dll file in the installation folder. Afterwards, I imported the elcollection.eld file and compiled everything.

However, when I try to run my indicator I get the following error message: Error in study.
Can't find dll "elcollections.dll".
Thank you for your help.
Which MultiCharts version you are running?

Make sure you use a compatible ELC:

What do you mean by: "I have put the ELCollection.dll file in the installation folder."
Which folder is that. Please be specific.

Re: Problem installing EL Collection

Posted: Jun 10 2015
by WHM
Hi there,

I'm having a similar problem here. I've put the ELCollections.dll for MC64 into C:\Program Files\TS Support\MultiCharts64; Unblocked the .dll (right click\Properties\Unblock); and set MC64.exe and PLE.exe to be run as Administrator.

I am then receiving the error message:
Company: Bamboo
Error Location: EL Collections
Error Category: EL Collections Error
Short String: EL Collections Error
Source String: Unable to Open Requested File

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Problem installing EL Collection

Posted: Jun 09 2017
by TechNick
I'm having huge problems installing ELCollections & compiling my progs which run fine in TS ...
Q. Could anyone kindly shed light onto what I might Be doing wrong?
I'm not sure if it's the install &/or my programming for MC...
1st has anyone successfully installed the latest ELC V2.01 ??... MC TechSupport only forward V1.07 & V limited install instructions for this V important AddOn...
Anyway I copied ELCollections2.dll into the MultiCharts 32bit Main Directory after unpacking by running the Setup.exe Install from TS Forum. So the C:\\ADE\ directory is setup as needed... Then I copy ELCollections2.dll from the TS\Program directory Into the MC folder with all other .dll files:
\Program Files (86)\TS Support\Multicharts
However I manually start the ELCServer.exe to run in the background.... Should this be copied to the MC Directory too to start automatically??
Then I "Import"ed the V2.01 ELC.eld file into the PLEditor.... & HEY All ELC Funcs. compiled nicely!!... All Functions are recognised and they compile OK in my Indicators & Functions too.... BUT, on applying to a chart It immediately Stops... I keep getting "{EXCEPTION} floating Point Invalid Operation " Error..
This doesn't occur in my ELC programs in TS 9.5... Printing out the 1st ListN.New _ID get a huge number, where it should be a #1
I love MC but transition from TS is defo not seemless...
Any help mich appreciated... Thanks In anticipation...

My ListN.New _ID Variable Is set as an INTEGER.
INT oB_LstN_ID(0); In the calling routine
Then passed to a Function ..
INT oB_LstN_ID(NumericSimple), {(0), {ListN_ID Is Created In Calling Indicator} }

The ListN.New(oB_LstN_ID); Should return #1

Using MessageLog ( ..... oB_LstN_ID =17179869185 Haa this can't be right & doesn't happen in TS!!

Re: Problem installing EL Collection

Posted: Jun 09 2017
by TJ
Can you try using all variables as double?

Re: Problem installing EL Collection

Posted: Jun 13 2017
by TechNick
TJ ...
I think I now vaguely recall reading about Using "DOUBLE" precision Vars In ELC V2 In Install notes Or somewhere....
I believe ELC V2 is updated code for MultiProcessor & also supports full 64 bit like MC uses.
I'll try "Double" out & report back.
I cant see a "DoubleInteger" Variable declaration though. Does this matter as I'm using for an ELC ListN Index Variable?
Thanks Soo much for pointing me in right direction...

BTW, what I find curious about Using ELC (V1), is when I create a ListN say, I can store inside this 'List' different numeric type variables (Integer, Floating Point or Doubles).... eg. as repeating blocks inside the List..... I can't do that with a standard TS Array as It has to be Declaired as a numeric type (ie. Integer, Floating Point or Double). This fact is not included in the documentation...