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Posted: Dec 01 2006
by templ
can the database moved to an other directory? I want to store the databse to an other drive like e:\

Posted: Dec 02 2006
by Andrew Kirillov
Dear templ,

The only requirement is to have both MultiCharts and its databases located at the same drive.

The drive letter does not matter.

I.e. you want to have the databases at "E:" drive - no problem, but you need firstly to uninstall MultiCharts from the current drive and then reinstall the MultiCharts to "E:" drive.

Use Knowledgebase -> MultiCharts -> FAQs section at our website to get more information about clean uninstallation.

Posted: Dec 02 2006
by templ
I.e. you want to have the databases at "E:" drive - no problem, but you need firstly to uninstall MultiCharts from the current drive and then reinstall the MultiCharts to "E:" drive.

Use Knowledgebase -> MultiCharts -> FAQs section at our website to get more information about clean uninstallation.
Andrew Kirillov.
I installed the beta of MultiCharts in e:\ but the database was installed automaticly on c:\
Where (in which dialogue) is the option to install the database in an different directory or drive?

Posted: Dec 03 2006
by Andrew Kirillov
Dear templ,
The only requirement is to have both MultiCharts and its databases located at the same drive.
1. Sorry, I misinformed you regarding the above mentioned note, actually there is no such a limitation. MultiCharts can be installed on a one disk while databases on the other one.
I installed the beta of MultiCharts in e:\ but the database was installed automaticly on c:\
2. Currently the installer allows you to set the disk for MultiCharts itself (not for the databases). Possibly we will add the database destination option to the installer.

3. The Databases are always installed to the ..\Program Files\Common Files directory (it is a system folder). In its turn this \Common Files directory is installed at the same drive (by default) where Windows is installed (C:\ by default).

To change the default database destination you need to tweak Windows slightly:
1. Run Windows Registry (Click Start -> Run; type in regedit; click OK).
2. In the windows registry opened make a search for ProgramFilesDir.
3. For each instance found (4 or 5) - change to the drive letter to appropriate one (in your case you will need to change from C:\Program Files\ to E:\Program Files\).
4. Repeat 2 & 3 for CommonFilesDir.
5. Close the registry and restart your PC.
6. Now you have the Windows still on the C:\ while Programs Files & Programs Files\Common Files on E:\.
7. Install MultiCharts e.g. to F:\ drive.
8. Now you have MC installed on F drive while databases on E drive.

Note. Since you changed the Program files settings from C to E drive all the programs you will install later, will be installed to the E drive.

Important. Be adviced to make this registry changes on a clean windows system where no software installed (beside Windows), because in case you install some other programs to C drive and then change Program Files & Common Files destination settings then that software may will not work properly.