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TS 2ki's password protected file is imported w/o asking...

Posted: Oct 22 2007
by 2haerim
The attached is a just one line EL (password-protected).

PL imports it and shows all the source.

This is embarrassing because I expected it would be imported after asking password. But it just compiled and I can open the source script without entering any password at all.

Please check this.

Posted: Oct 24 2007
by Marina Pashkova
Dear HaeRim,

ELS is the old TS2000i format. MultiChart doesn't support this old format, therefore it won't recognize that the code is password-protected

Posted: Oct 25 2007
by Marina Pashkova
Just a followup to the previous post for it might have caused confusion.

ELS format is supported in MultiCharts in the sense that such files can be imported into PLEditor. However, to have ELS strategies containing such words as ExitLong, ExitShort etc (i.e. old EasyLanguage words) compiled these words will need to be changed.

I apologize for the confusion.