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Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 20 2013
by arjfca

Anybody as ever heard about a Text to Speak dll the could be run with MC. It would be interesting to have a tool like that. I,m already using the "play" command, but these has predefined voice message. I would like it to be more versatile.

Martin :)

Re: Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 20 2013
by sptrader
I think you can record your own .wav file (using free online or windows software) and you can record any sound that you want..


Re: Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 20 2013
by arjfca
I think you can record your own .wav file (using free online or windows software) and you can record any sound that you want..

Hello Sptrader

As mentionned, I'm already using the playsound command. I use ATT Text to speech webpage to create the message. ... 2593,d.aWc

I'm looking for a more versatile solution. Like telling on witch scale chart an indicator as been triggered


Re: Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 20 2013
by TJ
Not exactly a TTS... but there is enough AI and flexibility to tide you over for now:


Code: Select all


if barinterval = 5 then
sound$ = "5min_going_up.wav"
if barinterval = 1 then
sound$ = "1min_going_up.wav";

If up.condition = true then
playsound( "c:\soundfiles\" + sound$ );

Re: Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 20 2013
by arjfca
Not exactly a TTS... but there is enough AI and flexibility to tide you over for now:


Code: Select all


if barinterval = 5 then
sound$ = "5min_going_up.wav"
if barinterval = 1 then
sound$ = "1min_going_up.wav";

If up.condition = true then
playsound( "c:\soundfiles\" + sound$ );
Hello TJ

I got about 25 already recorded similar messages. What I would like is to add some flexibility like telling witch market & time scale did the indicator has triggered. At the moment, the same message is use for all my chart. Sometime it is confusing...

Have a good day


Edit: I just seen a company who has created a Text to voice dll for TS 49.95$ USD

Re: Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 20 2013
by TJ
49.95$ USD is cheap... I would go for it.

Re: Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 21 2013
by arjfca
A friend send me this link of a Text to Voice C# code

Maybe a C# expert could addapt it to be coded as a dll for MC

Link: ... -for-Win32

Code: Select all

// Voice Speaker (c) ZJP


// Windows 32B >> Copy 'Voice_speaker.dll' in windows\system32 folder

// Windows 64B >> Copy 'Voice_speaker.dll' in windows\SysWOW64 folder

// Remember to release "Voice_speaker.dll" with your final project. It will be placed in the same folder as the EXE


// Voice Speaker (c) ZJP //

using UnityEngine;

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class VoiceSpeaker : MonoBehaviour


[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="VoiceAvailable")] private static extern int VoiceAvailable();

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="InitVoice")] private static extern void InitVoice();

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="WaitUntilDone")] private static extern int WaitUntilDone(int millisec);

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="FreeVoice")] private static extern void FreeVoice();

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceCount")] private static extern int GetVoiceCount();

// Unity V4.x.x

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceName")] private static extern IntPtr GetVoiceName(int index);

// other Unity version

// [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceName")] private static extern string GetVoiceName(int index);

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SetVoice")] private static extern void SetVoice(int index);

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="Say")] private static extern void Say(string ttospeak);

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SayAndWait")] private static extern void SayAndWait(string ttospeak);

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SpeakToFile")] private static extern int SpeakToFile(string filename, string ttospeak);

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceState")] private static extern int GetVoiceState();

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceVolume")] private static extern int GetVoiceVolume();

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SetVoiceVolume")] private static extern void SetVoiceVolume(int volume);

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceRate")] private static extern int GetVoiceRate();

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SetVoiceRate")] private static extern void SetVoiceRate(int rate);

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="PauseVoice")] private static extern void PauseVoice();

[DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="ResumeVoice")] private static extern void ResumeVoice();

public int voice_nb = 0;

void Start ()


if( VoiceAvailable()>0 )


InitVoice(); // init the engine

if (voice_nb > GetVoiceCount()) voice_nb = 0;

if (voice_nb < 0) voice_nb = 0;

// Unity V4.x.x *******************************************

IntPtr pStr = GetVoiceName(voice_nb);

string str = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pStr);

Debug.Log ("Voice name : "+str); // Voice Name

// Unity V4.x.x *******************************************

//Debug.Log ("Voice name : "+GetVoiceName(voice_nb)); // Voice Name other Unity version

Debug.Log ("Number of voice : "+GetVoiceCount()); // Number of voice

SetVoice(voice_nb); // 0 to voiceCount - 1

Debug.Log ("Voice Rate : "+GetVoiceRate());


//Debug.Log ("Voice name : "+GetVoiceName(voice_nb));

Say("All system nominal. Engine, online, weapons, online.. We are ready. 9.,.8.,.7.,.6.,.5.,.4.,.3.,.2.,.1.,.0.,. Go,.Take off");

// Say("Tout les systèmes sont opérationnels. Moteurs, en ligne. Armement, en ligne. Nous sommes prêt. 9.,.8.,.7.,.6.,.5.,.4.,.3.,.2.,.1.,.0.,. .Décollage" );




void OnDisable()


if( VoiceAvailable()>0 )






Re: Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 22 2013
by piranhaxp
A friend send me this link of a Text to Voice C# code. Maybe a C# expert could addapt it to be coded as a dll for MC ... Link: ... -for-Win32
After reading the code I guess not really what you want and even not flexible. But you could write a txt-file in EL and there are programs out there which can read it and convert it into voice. Voices are AT&T conversion tool style but it is fully flexible. When I remember right it cost like 99USD or so. But can't remember what the name was.

Sorry :)

Re: Text to speak dll

Posted: Aug 22 2013
by arjfca
49.95$ USD is cheap... I would go for it.
Did try the demo

A robot as a nicer voice than this. It look like the voice from a Comodore 64..( for the oldies)
