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Multiple systems trading

Posted: Aug 25 2013
by strader001
Can I program different systems in MC separately and then select only those that I want to use in the form of a big system? I am a bit confused because before I used another platform which could only deal with one system at the time so if I had different systems I had to combine them into one.

How does MC deal with multiple entry signals from different systems? Can I limit number of signals taken based on percent of equity used?


Re: Multiple systems trading

Posted: Aug 25 2013
by TJ
Can I program different systems in MC separately and then select only those that I want to use in the form of a big system? I am a bit confused because before I used another platform which could only deal with one system at the time so if I had different systems I had to combine them into one.
How does MC deal with multiple entry signals from different systems? Can I limit number of signals taken based on percent of equity used?
Multiple strategies can apply to 2 situations:

1. trading multiple strategies in one chart.
2. trading multiple charts on one symbol.

Short answer:
You can do the above. Your broker will net out any longs and shorts at the same time. You can program intelligence into your strategies to look out for broker position/PnL/Equity before submitting new orders.

You can look up explanations in the wiki: ... /Main_Page
Topic: Trading from Multiple Charts on One Instrument

Many autotrading questions are already asked here:
Autotrade / Backtest / Optimization FAQ

Re: Multiple systems trading

Posted: Aug 31 2013
by strader001
Thanks TJ

Limit on number of systems on a chart

Posted: Aug 31 2013
by strader001
I'm working with price action lab and this program generates EL code for patterns it finds in the form of a complete trading system for each one (entry condition, target, stop, etc) How many of those systems can I apply to a chart as separate subsystems and do you have any suggestions for handling multiple signals? Specifically I would like an entry signal to be issued when two or more subsystems generate a signal and also vary position size according to the number of generated signals from those subsystems. I guess the question boils down to whether I can have a higher order system, like a master system, that will handle all of the individual systems. Is this possible in MC? Thank you in advance.

Re: Limit on number of systems on a chart

Posted: Aug 31 2013
by TJ
I'm working with price action lab and this program generates EL code for patterns it finds in the form of a complete trading system for each one (entry condition, target, stop, etc) How many of those systems can I apply to a chart as separate subsystems and do you have any suggestions for handling multiple signals?
There is no limit on the number of strategies you can apply to a chart.

Specifically I would like an entry signal to be issued when two or more subsystems generate a signal and also vary position size according to the number of generated signals from those subsystems. I guess the question boils down to whether I can have a higher order system, like a master system, that will handle all of the individual systems. Is this possible in MC? Thank you in advance.
MultiCharts is a very powerful and flexible trading platform, however there is no single button solution that can let you to do all of the above. MultiCharts is EasyLanguage capable, you can program intelligence into your autotrade, including those logics you have mentioned above. You can either learn to program yourself (it is not that difficult), or to engage a professional programmer to work out the detail.

Re: Multiple systems trading

Posted: Sep 03 2013
by strader001
TJ thanks. It seems I have a lot of work to do.:)