Quote Field: No Data for BID/ASK  [SOLVED]

Questions about MultiCharts .NET and user contributed studies.
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Sep 15 2013

A chart looks absolutely different with Trade as its quote field, Multicharts is the first to have this Oddity as Default. Which is ok as long as you can switch as I love Multicharts. BUT

-I have went to Quote Manager> Right Click on Symbol> Fields to Collect> Removed the Trade and Checked everything for the Bid.

-And then to Instrument>Chart settings>Quote field: Bid.

Now i have to wait for it to collect data (wait for the chart to tick) and do not have access to any History, However when loading the symbol again normaly, I will get a full chart with full data on the Trade Quote field (Defaulted) and when I switch to the BID It starts from scratch.

How can I get my charts to look correctly, Under the BID quoted price and load the historical data?

Thank You

BTW, for anybody else reading, another Oddity of Multicharts is this, so make sure this is checked so you can draw Trendlines correctly and conduct proper geometric measurements when using Drawing Tools. Format Window>Time Scale>Show empty Periods Checked.

Best Regards,

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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 17 2013

Hello PriceTime,

Please specify the data provider and instrument you are using.
Also let me know your MultiCharts .Net version and build number (Help tab->About MultiCharts).

Posts: 3
Joined: Aug 19 2013
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Sep 29 2013

My Data feed Subscription was right at Expiration
Now it works Perfect

Thank You