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Vote for Transparent colour

Posted: Sep 27 2013
by nuno-online

what is the RGB value of transparent colour?


Re: what is the RGB value of transparent colour?

Posted: Oct 08 2013
by Henry MultiŠ”harts
Hello nuno-online,

Transparent colour is not available in MultiCharts.

Re: what is the RGB value of transparent colour?

Posted: Oct 08 2013
by sptrader
Aren't the volume profile bars transparent ? They appear that way...
Transparent colors would be a huge help for those of us that are visual traders..many other platforms already have them...
They are very useful for coloring the trend or sessions etc, in the background...
Being able to "fill" the space between two averages with transparent color is essential too...

Re: what is the RGB value of transparent colour?

Posted: Oct 08 2013
by nuno-online

I post a new request for MC charting about Transparent colour

Vote for it if you think it could be helpful ... no=MC-1490

Re: what is the RGB value of transparent colour?

Posted: Oct 08 2013
by sptrader
I voted for it.. it would be a great addition to MC...

Re: Vote for Transparent colour

Posted: Dec 12 2016
by escamillo
it has been a while that this has been requested. having transparent would help keep usage between MC and TS easier to manage. and it is is a useful feature. any idea on when it might be implemented?