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Minimum Acceptable Tick Data Format

Posted: Oct 16 2013
by jzshen

I'm working in a developing market. Currently, there's no real tick data is available, and what best I can get is 3-seconded quote data. In most cases, I think these two sets of data should be closed enough with each other. So I hope to import the 3-seconded market data into QuoteManager as tick data. However, no matter how I modify my data, QuoteManager still rejects importing them as ticks. Does anyone know the minimum tick data format QuoteManager could accept? After searching on MC wiki, I find little about this topic. There are only invalid data example, but no valid data format guidelines. Could someone knowing about this specification build a page for that?

P.S. Here is my current data format:
(Symbol, Date, Time, Last, NumberofTrades, TradingAmount*, Volume, Buy/Sell, Ask1, Ask2, Ask3, Bid1, Bid2, Bid3)
*TradingAmount= Last * Volume

Thanks in advance!

Re: Minimum Acceptable Tick Data Format

Posted: Oct 16 2013
by TJ
I'm working in a developing market. Currently, there's no real tick data is available, and what best I can get is 3-seconded quote data. In most cases, I think these two sets of data should be closed enough with each other. So I hope to import the 3-seconded market data into QuoteManager as tick data. However, no matter how I modify my data, QuoteManager still rejects importing them as ticks. Does anyone know the minimum tick data format QuoteManager could accept? After searching on MC wiki, I find little about this topic. There are only invalid data example, but no valid data format guidelines. Could someone knowing about this specification build a page for that?
P.S. Here is my current data format:
(Symbol, Date, Time, Last, NumberofTrades, TradingAmount*, Volume, Buy/Sell, Ask1, Ask2, Ask3, Bid1, Bid2, Bid3)
*TradingAmount= Last * Volume
Thanks in advance!
ASCII data import

Re: Minimum Acceptable Tick Data Format

Posted: Oct 17 2013
by Andrew MultiCharts
Here is my current data format:
(Symbol, Date, Time, Last, NumberofTrades, TradingAmount*, Volume, Buy/Sell, Ask1, Ask2, Ask3, Bid1, Bid2, Bid3)
*TradingAmount= Last * Volume
Hello Jzshen,

Unfortunately you cannot import your (trade) ticks at the same moment with asks and bids. Some other fields cannot be imported to MC database. If you want to import asks and bids after you imported your "Last" values as 1 tick data, you will need to have 1 ask and 1 bid per line and you can import it one-by-one (first you import "last", then "ask" and then you import "bid").

You should have the following format:
(Symbol, Date, Time, Price (i think your "Last" will work here), Undefined, Volume, Undefined, Undefined, Undefined, Undefined, Undefined, Undefined, Undefined.