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On every start every window is minimized

Posted: Dec 10 2007
by dupl

all windows - if I have only one in a workspace - is minimized if I start MC. If I close MC and save the workspaces all my windows are maximized.

Why are they on start minimized? So I need to maximize it every day manually. Chartwindows and QM window.


Posted: Dec 11 2007
by Marina Pashkova
Dear dupl,

I haven't been able to reproduce the problem. Could you please contact us through LiveChat (6:30 am - 4:00 pm EST) to show us the problem via HelpDesk, a remote desktop control utility?

Thank you.

Best regards.

Posted: Dec 11 2007
by dupl

I am working and can't shut down MC, to show it.

It looks like on the screenshot:

Posted: Dec 13 2007
by Marina Pashkova
Hello dupl,

We still haven't been able to reproduce the problem.

I've got one question, though: after you open the workspace, maximize it, work with it, and then close it, do you save the changes?

Best regards.

Posted: Dec 13 2007
by TJ
this is happening to me as well.

When I exit MC, I click on the "X" at the right top corner of the program, then select to save every wsp.

Posted: Dec 13 2007
by dupl
do you save the changes?
yes, with the option that ask me wether to save or not, if I close MC or a workspace. And I use it all the time this dialogue:

Save workspaces

Save changes to file "akt"?

Yes No Cancel


Posted: Dec 13 2007
by Marina Pashkova

I have finally reproduced the problem.

Thank you dupl and TJ for reporting the bug.
