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Posted: Nov 12 2013
by admin
MultiCharts 8.8 is an exciting new release with the major goal of making MultiCharts easier with improved usability. New features include: Advanced Market Scanner for scanning huge markets, Desktops for saving MultiCharts layouts on each monitor, and Dynamic Naming for orders based on script calculations.

Now you can plot daily data with different session templates at the same time because daily bars can be formed out of minute data. “Study on Study” feature lets you plot studies (strategies or indicators) based on values of indicators (not strategies). Limit Order Execution Assumptions were also added to Portfolio Backtester. We’ve improved the optimization process, dialog windows and added new broker connections.

Ask our support if you have any questions!

Learn more


Posted: Nov 12 2013
by janus
I can't wait to use some of the new features. Well done!


Posted: Nov 14 2013
by tcat
RC completly frooze upon a CTRL-R. No way to do anything but to kill the application.



Posted: Nov 14 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
RC completly frooze upon a CTRL-R. No way to do anything but to kill the application.

Hello Thierry,

Was there an error report generated? Have you sent it?
Does it happen each time you press Ctrl-R?


Posted: Nov 14 2013
by sptrader
I just installed ver 8.8 rc and immediately noticed that new incoming volume with IQfeed is about 20x lower than from IB !! See chart attached...I think backfill is ok but new RT volume is reading very low ... This did NOT happen with ver 8.7 ..
Did something change with volume in Ver 8.8 rc ????

I re-booted and it made no difference. I created a new workspace, new window- made no difference..
Easy to reproduce--Just create a workspace with 2 windows of 1 minute bars , 1 for IB 1 for IQfeed, add the basic volume indicator to each and wait a few minutes and notice the drastic difference... IQfeed should be much higher volume as it's not filtered data... The data window also shows the low volume with IQfeed...


Posted: Nov 14 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
I just installed ver 8.8 rc and immediately noticed that new incoming volume with IQfeed is about 20x lower than from IB !! See chart attached...I think backfill is ok but new RT volume is reading very low ... This did NOT happen with ver 8.7 ..
Did something change with volume in Ver 8.8 rc ????

I re-booted and it made no difference. I created a new workspace, new window- made no difference..
Easy to reproduce--Just create a workspace with 2 windows of 1 minute bars , 1 for IB 1 for IQfeed, add the basic volume indicator to each and wait a few minutes and notice the drastic difference... IQfeed should be much higher volume as it's not filtered data... The data window also shows the low volume with IQfeed...
sptrader, attached is the hotfix for this issue.
Here is how to install it.


Posted: Nov 14 2013
by sptrader
I installed the "fix" but the volume is still lower on IQfeed - (but improved)..


Posted: Nov 15 2013
by tcat
RC completly frooze upon a CTRL-R. No way to do anything but to kill the application.

Hello Thierry,

Was there an error report generated? Have you sent it?
Does it happen each time you press Ctrl-R?
Hello Henry,

The CTRL-R issue did not reoccure. The MC interface got frozen, everything was working fine. I used the process explorer to kill the application as there was nothing else I could do and could not get any report generated.
I have no explanation for this issue, but for windows needing for a number of updates to be installed and not having rebooted after the last MC update. After reboot, I do not face this issue again.


Posted: Nov 15 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
I installed the "fix" but the volume is still lower on IQfeed - (but improved)..
Please make sure "skip identical ticks" is disabled on both charts for Volume indicator in Format->Study->Properties.
Also in QuoteManager->Tools->DataSources->IB->Settings->“Generate new tick if total volume changes” should be disabled. The option will come into effect after restart of all MultiCharts processes.


Posted: Nov 15 2013
by sptrader
I'll try those changes over the weekend- Thanks


Posted: Nov 17 2013
by tortoise
Holy Smokes. I just fired up this latest edition. Am I imagining things or is this really fast? I'd say my charts loaded at least half again as quickly. Lovely. Many thanks for your world-beating efforts.


Posted: Nov 18 2013
by sptrader
I installed the "fix" but the volume is still lower on IQfeed - (but improved)..
Please make sure "skip identical ticks" is disabled on both charts for Volume indicator in Format->Study->Properties.
Also in QuoteManager->Tools->DataSources->IB->Settings->“Generate new tick if total volume changes” should be disabled. The option will come into effect after restart of all MultiCharts processes.

That fixed it- Thanks Henry !


Posted: Nov 18 2013
by CrazyNasdaq
Today, I have a problem about backfilling CQG today data.
Today even if I've upgraded to MC 8.8 - 64 bit candidate release and installed the new CQG API (6.00.104) provided last week, I've problems to backfill data from CQG about today data.
I can't backfill any of the CQG symbols for today data. I can only plot and store only data since I'm online. If I disconnect Multicharts for some time and then connect again, CQG does not make any backfill even if I force it with CTRL+R or "reload all data".
A variant of this behaviour is about the reload data (CTRL+R). If I force a reload data without a storage process, the new bar started on the reload time bar and all the data collected in real time that has not been storage closing MC program, is lost.
Below the link to a brief video of this problem


Posted: Nov 18 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Today, I have a problem about backfilling CQG today data.
Today even if I've upgraded to MC 8.8 - 64 bit candidate release and installed the new CQG API (6.00.104) provided last week, I've problems to backfill data from CQG about today data.
I can't backfill any of the CQG symbols for today data. I can only plot and store only data since I'm online. If I disconnect Multicharts for some time and then connect again, CQG does not make any backfill even if I force it with CTRL+R or "reload all data".
A variant of this behaviour is about the reload data (CTRL+R). If I force a reload data without a storage process, the new bar started on the reload time bar and all the data collected in real time that has not been storage closing MC program, is lost.
Below the link to a brief video of this problem
Hello CrazyNasdaq,

Please go to MultiCharts->Charting-> enable the option “Enable data source merging option”.
Then go to Format->Instrument->Instrument tab. Make sure “Merge data sources into a single chart” is disabled.


Posted: Nov 19 2013
by CrazyNasdaq
Hi Henry,
this morning the same problem with CQG. NO backfilling anyway on CQG
Take a look at this short video

To backfill the CQG data gaps for all symbols I've got data from IQFeed, exported them and imported in CQG symbols, but this is only for today. It's impossible to work this way.
I don't know if this is a Multicharts problem or a CQG server problem, but CQG in the last few weeks is very unreliable.

Event Log - MCFX Private

Posted: Nov 19 2013
by tcat
Following-up on a connection lost today, I checked the event log in quote manager and was surprised to see that I had a connection trace, which is great.

I did however notice inconsistency in the logs, which are:
  • 1) I saw a MCFXPrivate connection lost/ok. MCFX is not in my list of feed nor in my brokers, so what is this?
    2) LMAX gives a reconnecting status but no connection lost.
    3) Is MC connectivity to license servers monitored as well?
Finally, I saw "bin" files in the log files but no txt or csv files that could parsed for monitoring. Is there a way to access "raw" log content in order to allow for an external monitoring system to provide for alarming?

(17.33 KiB) Downloaded 3296 times


Posted: Nov 19 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Hi Henry,
this morning the same problem with CQG. NO backfilling anyway on CQG
Take a look at this short video

To backfill the CQG data gaps for all symbols I've got data from IQFeed, exported them and imported in CQG symbols, but this is only for today. It's impossible to work this way.
I don't know if this is a Multicharts problem or a CQG server problem, but CQG in the last few weeks is very unreliable.
CQG had issues on their historical server. It is resolved now.

Re: Event Log - MCFX Private

Posted: Nov 19 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
1) I saw a MCFXPrivate connection lost/ok. MCFX is not in my list of feed nor in my brokers, so what is this?
MCFXPrivate is used for currency conversion:
Select one of the available currencies to see open profit and loss values on charts and profit and loss values in Order and Position Tracker window in Preferred Currency.
This data provider does not require any setup and cannot be deleted.
2) LMAX gives a reconnecting status but no connection lost.
Each data provider has his own API with different functionality and events. LMAX API does not provide native connection loss event. That is why we have added custom MultiCharts solution (based on LMAX recommendations) for determining the connection loss based on the heartbeat requests.
"LMAX - Reconnecting" message means the connection to LMAX servers has been lost and MultiCharts is trying to restore it.
3) Is MC connectivity to license servers monitored as well?
Finally, I saw "bin" files in the log files but no txt or csv files that could parsed for monitoring. Is there a way to access "raw" log content in order to allow for an external monitoring system to provide for alarming?
You can see the current authorization status in the main MultiCharts window. There are no other logs that can be read and properly understood by the user.

In case you want your logs to be studied by our developers - please send us the logs and detailed description of your inquiry.

Re: Event Log - MCFX Private

Posted: Nov 19 2013
by tcat
1) I saw a MCFXPrivate connection lost/ok. MCFX is not in my list of feed nor in my brokers, so what is this?
MCFXPrivate is used for currency conversion:
Select one of the available currencies to see open profit and loss values on charts and profit and loss values in Order and Position Tracker window in Preferred Currency.
This data provider does not require any setup and cannot be deleted.
2) LMAX gives a reconnecting status but no connection lost.
Each data provider has his own API with different functionality and events. LMAX API does not provide native connection loss event. That is why we have added custom MultiCharts solution (based on LMAX recommendations) for determining the connection loss based on the heartbeat requests.
"LMAX - Reconnecting" message means the connection to LMAX servers has been lost and MultiCharts is trying to restore it.
3) Is MC connectivity to license servers monitored as well?
Finally, I saw "bin" files in the log files but no txt or csv files that could parsed for monitoring. Is there a way to access "raw" log content in order to allow for an external monitoring system to provide for alarming?
You can see the current authorization status in the main MultiCharts window. There are no other logs that can be read and properly understood by the user.

In case you want your logs to be studied by our developers - please send us the logs and detailed description of your inquiry.
Thanks for your detailed answers Henry. Everything is clear now. It would have been ideal for brokers to agree on message texts though.

Regarding LMAX logs, I found the folder with the *.log files and I see they contain everything I need. I had seen another folder previously with *.bin files, but those logs files will do just fine.

Thanks for your feedback.


Posted: Nov 20 2013
by ABC
Dynamic Naming for orders based on script calculations is a great feature. I hope that this is the first step towards being able to handle orders within loops as this is really something MC lacks. Just think about how many lines of code you currently need to write if you manage multiple positions and how much simpler that could be doing it within one loop.

Thank you,


Posted: Nov 22 2013
by whammer
Just wanted to say that 8.8 is a very positive upgrade across a wide spectrum. I have been using the "study on study" and it can also be a "study on study on study...etc." It's a great feature however there are many and makes 8.8 a powerful enhancement. Thanks!.


Posted: Nov 22 2013
by Tom
Great features in this release.
I have really missed indicator on indicator functionality from the previous software I was using.

I have a question about the pre-scanner:
Is there a way to turn off automatic scanning upon opening the workspace?

I really only need to scan once a week or even less.
I use a simple scan, however I would imagine that elaborate pre-scans on large number of securities would take a long time, and its not something the user might want to be done automatically.

In addition closing the workspace takes a long time, and seems to freeze Multicharts. It takes me 45 seconds or so for the workspace to close.


Posted: Nov 25 2013
by KimV
Did something change with way formulas are calculated? One of my studies which I used on TS has stopped functioning (Elder MACDHistXover - error message: trying to access future data. Bar reference value -1) Worked ok before I tried the new 8.8 release candidate.


Posted: Nov 25 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
I have a question about the pre-scanner:
Is there a way to turn off automatic scanning upon opening the workspace?
There is no way to do that. The scanner values are not stored anywhere when you close the workspace. When you open the workspace - the data is loaded for the instruments and the studies are calculated on it. If there is no study calculation - there is no calculation result.
In addition closing the workspace takes a long time, and seems to freeze Multicharts. It takes me 45 seconds or so for the workspace to close.
The time it takes to close MultiCharts and all of its processes depends on the amount of bars, indicators, signals you were using. Once you close MultiCharts and its applications it starts to unload the data you have used and to save the cached data to the local database. The «speed» of this procedure is also dependent from your PC hardware.

If you want us to study this behavior please provide the following information to my email (
1) a) Does it take 45 seconds to close a single workspace or all workspaces you have open?
b) How long does it take to close a single workspace with the scanner?
2) What exact version and build number of MultiCharts are you running? (in MultiCharts go to Help tab-> About);
3) For Windows Vista/7 go to Control Panel\System and Security\System or right click on the Computer icon and select properties.
For Windows XP go to Control Panel\System\General or right click on the Computer icon and select properties. Please make a screenshot of this window;
4) Attach the workspace/s you are using for the test;
5) in QuoteManager select the symbols you are using, make a right click on it->Export data->Export instrument (without data). Send me the Qmd export file for analysis.


Posted: Nov 25 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Did something change with way formulas are calculated? One of my studies which I used on TS has stopped functioning (Elder MACDHistXover - error message: trying to access future data. Bar reference value -1) Worked ok before I tried the new 8.8 release candidate.
If there is an offset for the indicator plot - please make sure there is enough space on the right side of the chart for the plot (Format->Window->X time scale->Chart shift).


Posted: Nov 25 2013
by ABC
When automated trading is active and a signal is short for example and the position has a stop and reverse entry which happen to be at the same price, this can lead to numerous issues.
For example the position could be twice as big as intended or in a multi leg entry position only some legs are executed which in turn could mess the stop and targets up.

I am fully aware why this happens. My question is just is this intended behavior or shouldn't MC be able to recognize this and make sure this doesn't happen?

I used the simple code below to construct this outcome.
You can see two active orders one is the stop for 1 contract and the second is a buy cover with 2 contracts (i.e. one to cover the short and one to enter long).

The stop got triggered and so got the long entry, but instead of being long just one contract the signal is long two contracts now.
if not LastBarOnChart_s then #return;

[IntrabarOrderGeneration = true]

dTick (MinMove/PriceScale),
intrabarpersist vEntryPrice (0),
intrabarpersist MP (0),
intrabarpersist PrevMP (0);

MP = MarketPosition;

if Time <= 1143 then
SellShort ("Short") next bar market;

if MP < 0 then
BuyToCover ("SX") next bar PosTradeEntryPrice(0, 0) + 30 * dTick stop;

Buy ("Long") next bar PosTradeEntryPrice(0, 0) + 30 * dTick stop;
Thank you,


Posted: Nov 26 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
When automated trading is active and a signal is short for example and the position has a stop and reverse entry which happen to be at the same price, this can lead to numerous issues.
For example the position could be twice as big as intended or in a multi leg entry position only some legs are executed which in turn could mess the stop and targets up.
Hello ABC,

Thank you for attaching the code in question. The script has worked as it is designed to work.
There are multiple things for avoiding overfill:
- in auto trading all orders generated on the bar are sent in the OCO group;
- MultiCharts allows using native broker OCO groups (Interactive Brokers);
- if the broker does not support OCO groups, then MultiCharts emulates the OCO group on its end ( in your example the OCO group emulation will not have enough time to cancel the second order as both orders are at the same price);
- in your case Optimize order flow should help.


Posted: Dec 02 2013
by arnie
Can you guys check the DOM high and low calculations? It seems they're a bit off during overnight session.


I assume they're being retrieved from the broker (IB)?
I've been noticing that the overnight are always falling short by one tick when comparing to IQFeed.



Posted: Dec 02 2013
by ABC

thank you for explaining this feature. It works as it prevents the overfill, but at the same time it prevents a fill, too. The problem is that only the stop gets executed and the broker (LMAX in this case) rejects the entry orders with the message "Reason: STOP_WOULD_BE_TRIGGERED_IMMEDIATELY".
To get an entry the market first has to come down for LMAX to accept the order and then go back up. Wouldn't it be better if MC would send the entry order in case of the stop when optimize order flow is checked and both stop and entry happen to have the same price?

Thank you,
When automated trading is active and a signal is short for example and the position has a stop and reverse entry which happen to be at the same price, this can lead to numerous issues.
For example the position could be twice as big as intended or in a multi leg entry position only some legs are executed which in turn could mess the stop and targets up.
Hello ABC,

Thank you for attaching the code in question. The script has worked as it is designed to work.
There are multiple things for avoiding overfill:
- in auto trading all orders generated on the bar are sent in the OCO group;
- MultiCharts allows using native broker OCO groups (Interactive Brokers);
- if the broker does not support OCO groups, then MultiCharts emulates the OCO group on its end ( in your example the OCO group emulation will not have enough time to cancel the second order as both orders are at the same price);
- in your case Optimize order flow should help.


Posted: Dec 02 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Can you guys check the DOM high and low calculations? It seems they're a bit off during overnight session.
I assume they're being retrieved from the broker (IB)?
I've been noticing that the overnight are always falling short by one tick when comparing to IQFeed.
Is the problem with both Daily High and Low or Low only?
If the low will be plotted 1 tick lower- will it be the correct value?

If this behavior appears again please attach the following screenshots:
1) DOM window with the High and Low values;
2) IB chart window where the status line High Low values can be seen;
3) if it is possible please attach IQFeed chart window where the status line High Low values can be seen as well;
4) data feed settings: QuoteManager->Tools->DataSources->IB->Settings.


Posted: Dec 02 2013
by arnie
Hope I have all requested "data"

IQFeed and IB have identical data but DOM is off by one tick




Posted: Dec 02 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Hope I have all requested "data"
IQFeed and IB have identical data but DOM is off by one tick
This issue will be fixed in MultiCharts 8.8 Release.


Posted: Dec 02 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
thank you for explaining this feature. It works as it prevents the overfill, but at the same time it prevents a fill, too. The problem is that only the stop gets executed and the broker (LMAX in this case) rejects the entry orders with the message "Reason: STOP_WOULD_BE_TRIGGERED_IMMEDIATELY".
To get an entry the market first has to come down for LMAX to accept the order and then go back up. Wouldn't it be better if MC would send the entry order in case of the stop when optimize order flow is checked and both stop and entry happen to have the same price?
Thank you,

Do you mean the entry order is rejected once and then it is not placed to the broker again?
Basically "Reason: STOP_WOULD_BE_TRIGGERED_IMMEDIATELY" appears because Stop orders that are guaranteed to be executed immediately are rejected by LMAX broker. Source: LMAX broker profile.


Posted: Dec 02 2013
by ABC

no, that's not what I mean. The order is resend about once per bar and is rejected until the market comes back down below the stop price. When the market goes back up to the entry price it would be filled. In case of a breakout you probably won't get a fill as the market stays above the entry price all the time.

I understand the reason behind what is happening that's why I asked "wouldn't it be better if MC would send the entry order in case of the stop when optimize order flow is checked and both stop and entry happen to have the same price?". This way you'd accomplish both the exit of the old position and a fill into the new position.

Thank you,
thank you for explaining this feature. It works as it prevents the overfill, but at the same time it prevents a fill, too. The problem is that only the stop gets executed and the broker (LMAX in this case) rejects the entry orders with the message "Reason: STOP_WOULD_BE_TRIGGERED_IMMEDIATELY".
To get an entry the market first has to come down for LMAX to accept the order and then go back up. Wouldn't it be better if MC would send the entry order in case of the stop when optimize order flow is checked and both stop and entry happen to have the same price?
Thank you,

Do you mean the entry order is rejected once and then it is not placed to the broker again?
Basically "Reason: STOP_WOULD_BE_TRIGGERED_IMMEDIATELY" appears because Stop orders that are guaranteed to be executed immediately are rejected by LMAX broker. Source: LMAX broker profile.


Posted: Dec 02 2013
by 4trading
Chart Trading buttons are grayed out with IB in both real time and sim mode (regular session). Specifically, all of the Buy/Sell/Close/Reverse, etc. buttons are grayed out. IB is selected under red button with IB data. The drop-down under the red button is the only thing not grayed out.

MultiCharts64 Version 8.8 Release Candidate (Build 8231)
Win7 (64-bit)


Posted: Dec 02 2013
by KimV
re: the new market scanner.

I use the market scanner to organize and keep track of positions and watchlists. If I make groups and organize in the pre-scanning window, the structure is not carried over to the watchlist window. It should be possible to organize them both, would make it easier to keep track of your instruments...


Posted: Dec 02 2013
by 4trading
Chart Trading buttons are grayed out with IB in both real time and sim mode (regular session). Specifically, all of the Buy/Sell/Close/Reverse, etc. buttons are grayed out.IB is selected under red button with IB data. The drop-down under the red button is the only thing not grayed out.

MultiCharts64 Version 8.8 Release Candidate (Build 8231)
Win7 (64-bit)
Chart Trading buttons for Buy/Sell worked OK in 8.7.


Posted: Dec 03 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Chart Trading buttons are grayed out with IB in both real time and sim mode (regular session). Specifically, all of the Buy/Sell/Close/Reverse, etc. buttons are grayed out. IB is selected under red button with IB data. The drop-down under the red button is the only thing not grayed out.MultiCharts64 Version 8.8 Release Candidate (Build 8231) Win7 (64-bit)
Chart Trading buttons for Buy/Sell worked OK in 8.7.
Hello 4trading,

Chart trading/trade bar trading are available only when your broker profile is connected. If the light next to the broker profile is red then it is disconnected. Please connect your broker profile to perform trading. How to configure IB broker profile.


Posted: Dec 03 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
re: the new market scanner.

I use the market scanner to organize and keep track of positions and watchlists. If I make groups and organize in the pre-scanning window, the structure is not carried over to the watchlist window. It should be possible to organize them both, would make it easier to keep track of your instruments...
Hello KimV,

Thank you for your suggestion. All feature requests are forwarded to the management of the company and are evaluated in a timely manner. Please note that even though we value your opinion not all requests can be implemented due to the fact that some features do not fit into our current roadmap.


Posted: Dec 03 2013
by Henry MultiСharts

no, that's not what I mean. The order is resend about once per bar and is rejected until the market comes back down below the stop price. When the market goes back up to the entry price it would be filled. In case of a breakout you probably won't get a fill as the market stays above the entry price all the time.

I understand the reason behind what is happening that's why I asked "wouldn't it be better if MC would send the entry order in case of the stop when optimize order flow is checked and both stop and entry happen to have the same price?". This way you'd accomplish both the exit of the old position and a fill into the new position.

Thank you,
Previously Stop orders were emulated on MultiCharts end. When LMAX introduced native stop orders - we have added support for it on our end. Native solution should be better than emulation.


Posted: Dec 03 2013
by Henry MultiСharts