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autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 14 2013
by scarecrow
occasionally when i'm testing an auto strategy with Rithmic Local Sim, multicharts locks up on one price, and my strategy gets stuck trading only at that price. I can reset/fix it if i disconnect and reconnect Rithmic Local Sim. Has anyone else had this problem? is it a bug or am i doing something wrong. sometimes the first half of the day is working fine then when i check it again later it's locked on one price.
Im using rithmic local sim, MC 8.7 build 7634

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 15 2013
by scarecrow
deleted an unused Norton and modded my other antivirus program further to allow MC hopefully this does it. if anyone autotrades rithmic local sim and has or has not experienced this please chime in. I'm not showing any error logs or disconnects either.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 15 2013
by Andrew MultiCharts
Hello scarecrow,

Please come to our live chat during working hours (6:30 am – 4:00 pm EST) to let our operators connect to your computer remotely in order to study the issue and help you, when it takes place: ... pport.html

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 15 2013
by scarecrow
Hello scarecrow,

Please come to our live chat during working hours (6:30 am – 4:00 pm EST) to let our operators connect to your computer remotely in order to study the issue and help you, when it takes place: ... pport.html
I have, and they were helpful, but we were unable to pinpoint the problem without any logs or disconnects. Just checking to see if anyone had anything similar happen to them.
thanks Andrew,


Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 16 2013
by shanemcdonald
8.7 ?

have you tried new beta version ?

I had everything lock up constantly on both rithmic and cqg.
I could not go 10 hours without a freeze up.

For me, It was a memory leak issue which they have resolved in the new beta versions.
The memory leak would expand and freeze resources up.

I have been testing the beta versions and was able to run autotrade strategies for 2 weeks straight without a freeze up or restart.

I do not know if it is the same issue for you, but it was the 8.7 version that I had problems with.


Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 17 2013
by scarecrow
8.7 ?

have you tried new beta version ?

I had everything lock up constantly on both rithmic and cqg.
I could not go 10 hours without a freeze up.

For me, It was a memory leak issue which they have resolved in the new beta versions.
The memory leak would expand and freeze resources up.

I have been testing the beta versions and was able to run autotrade strategies for 2 weeks straight without a freeze up or restart.

I do not know if it is the same issue for you, but it was the 8.7 version that I had problems with.

It's funny when i was going over my system with my brother-in-law, who is a Intel engineer, he thought there might be a memory leak as well. I usually don't update until official release but i might jump the gun on this one.

Thanks Shane :)


Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 17 2013
by shanemcdonald
I think the regular multicharts is 8.8 release now and out of the beta version.
I hope that was the problem and it works for you now.

best regards

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 18 2013
by Andrew MultiCharts
I have, and they were helpful, but we were unable to pinpoint the problem without any logs or disconnects. Just checking to see if anyone had anything similar happen to them.
thanks Andrew,
I see you were with Roman in chat and it turned out logging was disabled. Please let us know if the issue persists in the live chat.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 18 2013
by scarecrow
its locked up now as i write this... going to live chat.
thanks for the help guys.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 21 2013
by scarecrow
happened again...
coding a new simple strategy and disabling all antiviruses. this has to be something with local sim or my computer. I'll try and update as i go, thanks MC crew for your help with this. if anyone else has had any experience like this i'm all ears. I could be wrong but it seems that my ram usage is always quit high when it happens. 12gb....
we'll see.
using 8.8rc

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 21 2013
by sptrader
If you can post the code, I'll try it and see what happens..
5gb ram is the max I ever see on my i7 pc ...Win 7, 16gb ram..

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 22 2013
by shanemcdonald
I spoke too soon, now MC has frozen again on me with previous memory issue.
It is locked and I cant even shutdown without losing everything

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 22 2013
by scarecrow
If you can post the code, I'll try it and see what happens..
5gb ram is the max I ever see on my i7 pc ...Win 7, 16gb ram..
Thanks sptrader, given that this strategy is one of my first really robust ones I'd like to keep it close to my chest... I coded another strategy to try and reproduce this problem. I'd share, but i haven't reproduced it yet. If i can't then I'll try and debug my original code first before sharing.

to be clear my system:
i7 2600s, win7, 12gb ram.
when it happens I'm usually at about 10gb.
I collect data from quote manager too...
maybe I'm asking to much for my computer to handle?
I spoke too soon, now MC has frozen again on me with previous memory issue.
It is locked and I cant even shutdown without losing everything
what are the specs of your pc? just out of curiosity

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Nov 22 2013
by shanemcdonald
intel quad core with 7 gb ram
win 7 64 bit
onboard video , no added card

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 02 2013
by scarecrow
If you can post the code, I'll try it and see what happens..
5gb ram is the max I ever see on my i7 pc ...Win 7, 16gb ram..
Thanks sptrader,

I can confirm now that this can even happen with a simple Mov Avg cross strategy pulled from multicharts default list with no antivirus running. Over time with Multicharts running my RAM usage increases until price lock happens (usually about 2 days uninterrupted autotrading rithmic local sim).

Could it be some kind of memory leak?
Should my memory usage be increasing?

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 02 2013
by shanemcdonald
memory usage will increase, but it should decrease as the memory usage declines.
If it expands but does not contract and keeps getting bigger, than it could be a memory leak.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 02 2013
by scarecrow
memory usage will increase, but it should decrease as the memory usage declines.
If it expands but does not contract and keeps getting bigger, than it could be a memory leak.

At this point the only thing that brings my ram usage down is a restart of multicharts. It doesn't matter if I'm autotrading or not. the longer i leave multicharts running the higher my RAM usage goes.

I'm only assuming that there is a connection between my RAM being so high and the price lockup/error i get. I assume this for the reason that price lockup only happens after a day or so of uninterrupted use, when my RAM usage approaches 60%.

Obviously the price lockup is an error of some kind.
But should RAM be increasing until restart? and is there a correlation between the two?

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 02 2013
by shanemcdonald
yes< I believe it is the cause of the lockup.

restarting clears the memory cache.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 03 2013
by Andrew MultiCharts
I can confirm now that this can even happen with a simple Mov Avg cross strategy pulled from multicharts default list with no antivirus running. Over time with Multicharts running my RAM usage increases until price lock happens (usually about 2 days uninterrupted autotrading rithmic local sim).

Could it be some kind of memory leak?
Should my memory usage be increasing?
Was the antivirus disabled completely when that happened?

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 03 2013
by scarecrow
I can confirm now that this can even happen with a simple Mov Avg cross strategy pulled from multicharts default list with no antivirus running. Over time with Multicharts running my RAM usage increases until price lock happens (usually about 2 days uninterrupted autotrading rithmic local sim).

Could it be some kind of memory leak?
Should my memory usage be increasing?
Was the antivirus disabled completely when that happened?
yes, the antivirus was completely disabled before i had any part of multicharts running. Then started MC, turned on a strategy to autotrade rithmic sim, and left it alone. same symptoms.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 05 2013
by Andrew MultiCharts
Our engineers have been trying to reproduce the issue for several days without success. Due to the nature of the issue we are not able to resolve it until we know how to reproduce it on our end. Here is what they suggested as the next step:
• Please come to our live chat today or tomorrow from 6:30 am till 12:00 pm EST to let our engineers connect to your PC, examine the environment, set up a clear test on your PC.
• After that we will continue reproducing it on our end with the same environment.
• We also start the test we set up on your PC and if you let it work without changing anything in MC and on your PC, we will find out how long does it take for the problem to appear and we will be sure, nothing external like antivirus or other software should be influencing MC.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 05 2013
by scarecrow
Our engineers have been trying to reproduce the issue for several days without success. Due to the nature of the issue we are not able to resolve it until we know how to reproduce it on our end. Here is what they suggested as the next step:
• Please come to our live chat today or tomorrow from 6:30 am till 12:00 pm EST to let our engineers connect to your PC, examine the environment, set up a clear test on your PC.
• After that we will continue reproducing it on our end with the same environment.
• We also start the test we set up on your PC and if you let it work without changing anything in MC and on your PC, we will find out how long does it take for the problem to appear and we will be sure, nothing external like antivirus or other software should be influencing MC.
Just sent you an Email...

hello Andrew,
I was unable to make it to live chat with your engineers today (3:30am-9:00am window for me) and probably wont get enough time tomorrow. would it be possible to do it next week?
On the plus side, i installed 8.8 release with good results... hasn't happened again yet(only 2 days though). So far my RAM hovers right around 40% now. I'll keep testing and shoot for live chat next week if that works for you over there.

Thanks Andrew,


Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 06 2013
by Andrew MultiCharts
Sure, no problem. Will wait to hear from you.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 19 2013
by scarecrow
Sure, no problem. Will wait to hear from you.
Just an update for anyone that's curious...
I did not end up going to any additional live chats, the problem has not resurfaced with 8.8 release. my computer habits are the same since the problem started... If i am running multicharts then i limit most other activity. If I turn on auto trading then i wouldn't touch my computer for anything else, and no antivirus. I'm not saying that you can't run other programs at the same time, but rather this is what I've done. This combined with 8.8, i've had no problems. I'll begin to throw more processes at it over time just to see what happens but I've been thinking of renting a server or building a dedicated computer (or both) for a very, very long time. So this testing may all be moot... but for starters I'll turn on my antivirus and update if something happens.
Thanks Andrew/MC and everyone who chimed in :)


Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 23 2013
by shanemcdonald
good has gotten worse for me with new release.
I am not able to run autotrade for more than 1 hour now. It is freezing up constantly.
It is now unusable.
I am now using DT version 8.5 to trade with.

This has been very discouraging for me and an ongoing problem since the summer.
Why cant the memory leaks just be fixed ! I dont understand this at all !

This is happening on 3 different machines now, so it is not just my setup.

IS anyone able to run autotrading for maore than a few days at a time on multiple charts ?

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Dec 24 2013
by Andrew MultiCharts
Hello Shane,

As far as i know you have reported the issue to Alex in the live chat and he is working with engineers on the case.

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Jan 02 2014
by scarecrow
Ok so It's been going very well for the last couple of weeks because i haven't touched my computer while autotrading sim. Mostly because i've been busy around the holidays. However today i was coding in multicharts and playing a short video in GOM player and it locked. RAM usage wasn't very high, although when i reset the connection to Rithmic local sim, the usage dropped a significant amount...


Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Jan 02 2014
by TJ
Ok so It's been going very well for the last couple of weeks because i haven't touched my computer while autotrading sim. Mostly because i've been busy around the holidays. However today i was coding in multicharts and playing a short video in GOM player and it locked. RAM usage wasn't very high, although when i reset the connection to Rithmic local sim, the usage dropped a significant amount...
GOM player in a trading machine ?!?!?

Re: autotrading sim price error/lockup

Posted: Jan 02 2014
by scarecrow
GOM player in a trading machine ?!?!?
Is that a no no???
well suffice it to say I've got an office full of computer parts and should probably build a dedicated computer anyway.
I only have one 64bit computer so when i upgraded MC I began to use that one computer for everything...
I just gotta buy a case and cooling and I'll start a new build.