Possible to increase MC performance when displaying many bar

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Nov 22 2013


I was looking at an MT4 platform dealing with a very long back history and I was surprise by the fluidity. When I'm trying the same on my PC, the video refresh is very very slow. Ex: If I want to display 250 pip bars over 6 month period, PC display will have hard time to follow the mouse

To gain the fluidity, I need to format my instrument and change my back history to a week or a month while I was looking at a year back 4 hours bars.

For technical reason, I can't go to MC 64 since some dll function may not be available.

Processor I5 with 24 GB
2 graphic cards with 1 GB on each
SSD drive


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Henry MultiСharts
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Nov 25 2013

Hello Martin,

Does it happen if you display a single 250 pip bar chart for 6 month period with no other workspaces/windows open? Have you monitored the system performance during this slow down period? What is the amount of virtual memory utilized by MultiCharts processes, what is the CPU load?

Task manager does not show the virtual memory consumption. Please install Process Explorer. Go to: View->Select columns->Process memory->check "Virtual Size". Then you need to sort the processes by the Virtual memory column.