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Problem with Webank in synch Strategy and Broker position.

Posted: Feb 04 2014
by maxmax68
I have this problem with WeBank:
Suppose we have a strategy on the chart in IOG false to simplify.
We are market position flat at strategy and at broker.
The strategy fires a BUY MARKET order 2 SHARES.
WeBank gets the market order, fills the order completely because it is a market order,
but strangely as a feedback to MC returns a LIMIT ORDER ???
So in the Order&Position tracker we see a BUY LIMIT 2 SHARES that strangely results
filled only for one share. And this behaviour I think is an error of MC in getting information from
WeBank. So in Order&Position tracker we have Broker position +2 and Strategy position +1.
So if later the strategy fires a SELLSHORT to reverse the position, the stategy fired is only 2 shares
and not 4 shares as it should be.
I have the same issue if I use in the strategy LIMIT orders instead of Market orders.
Mc often gets from WeBank only 1 share filled, so there is a difference between Strategy and Broker position.
The problem is how can I synchronize Strategy and Broker position ?
Please support can you solve the issue with WeBank ?
Thank you.

Re: Problem with Webank in synch Strategy and Broker positio

Posted: Feb 05 2014
by Henry MultiŠ”harts
Hello Massimo,

The issue has been resolved in MultiCharts 8.8 Release R3.