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Equity Curve grapphs shows Time value overlapped

Posted: Jan 06 2008
by 2haerim
For non-English windows, for example, Korean Windows, all the Equity curve graphs show the Time axis value overlapped so that time is completely unreadable.

Please fix this.

Screen shot is attached

Posted: Jan 09 2008
by Marina Pashkova
Hello HaeRim,

Could you please post a screenshot?

Thank you.

Screen shot is posted

Posted: Jan 09 2008
by 2haerim
Please check the attachment to the initial post.

Posted: Jan 09 2008
by Marina Pashkova
Hi HaeRim,

We have confirmed the bug. Characters overlapping occurs not only with Korean characters, though. We will work to fix the bug.

Thank you for drawing our attention to this issue.
