How do we limit the number of thread if MC is multithreading  [SOLVED]

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Mar 22 2014


How do we limit the number of thread when we optimize our input of strategy backtesting ?

How do we limit the number of thread when MC is multithreading, in backtesting ?

Which registry do we have to modify ? to use only 1 or 2 thread in the same time when we do an optimization of variable in our backtesting ?


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Henry MultiСharts
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Mar 25 2014

Hello Emmanuel,

There is no way to limit the number of threads in backtesting.
In order to limit the number of cores for optimization to 1 please import the attached One_Thread_ForOptimize.reg file and restart all MultiCharts processes.
In order to utilize all cores for optimization import All_Thread_ForOptimize.reg
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Mar 27 2014

Hello Henry

This is excellent !!!!! It works very well !!


Thank you very much , It is Very usefull and very necessary.

Like that I can adjust Multicharts depending on the need.

Thank you very much Henry
