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Project Managment

Posted: Jul 15 2014
by Dragon
I did. I sent a request for new feature. Let me know how it interesting for you?

Re: Project Managment

Posted: Jul 15 2014
by Andrew MultiCharts

There are about 1700 issues in Project Management. Would you mind giving the link or at least the number?

Re: Project Managment

Posted: Jul 19 2014
by Dragon
MC-1688 - Get the data stream from the market

Re: Project Managment

Posted: Jul 21 2014
by Andrew MultiCharts

Could you elaborate please? Do you mean you would like to get data directly from exchange into your code or into MultiCharts?

Re: Project Managment

Posted: Jul 21 2014
by Dragon
In code via In playback, backtest and realtime

Re: Project Managment

Posted: Jul 22 2014
by Andrew MultiCharts

To tell the truth i still don't understand what you want from your answers, but my colleagues explained that you were interested in receiving snapshots of asks, bids and trades instead of 3 separate data streams. Is this the desired feature?

Re: Project Managment

Posted: Jul 22 2014
by Dragon
I need to test with trade strategies using DOM on playback.

Re: Project Managment

Posted: Jul 22 2014
by Andrew MultiCharts
I see. DOM does not yet support playback.

Re: Project Managment

Posted: Jul 22 2014
by Dragon
I want that MC have this feature. Very-very-very .....
It`s a big deficiency in MC. Traders can`t test scalping-robots(((