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Workspace Drag and Drop

Posted: Oct 15 2014
by KhaosTrader

It would be very useful, if I could drag a workspace from one instance of MC (desktop) to another instance of MC (desktop). All that would be required is the the "drag" cause closing of the workspace in the first MC instance and the "drop" would cause the opening of it on into the other instance of MC.

The use case is that I have "libraries" of Desktops each that hold many workspaces. As I click through the workspaces in each desktop, I find interesting potential setups, it would be great to just drag the interesting workspaces I find into an empty desktop MC such that in the end I would have one instance of MC (the desktop that will hold all of the interesting workspaces for me to monitor for the given day).

Anyway, is this possible now? If not, I would think it would be easy to implement.


Re: Workspace Drag and Drop

Posted: Oct 16 2014
by Andrew MultiCharts
Hello KhaosTrader,

Some seems to like Google Chrome features... ;-)
Please leave us such feature request.

Posted as a feature request :)

Posted: Oct 17 2014
by KhaosTrader
Ok I posted it.. "MC-1772 - Workspace Drag and Drop" ... no=MC-1772