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Exchanging data between MC and C#

Posted: Oct 24 2014
by maisatomai
Just wondering whether it can be done? Maybe write to text and reading from text may be an option but is there a better option?

Re: Exchanging data between MC and C#

Posted: Oct 25 2014
by JoshM

Re: Exchanging data between MC and C#

Posted: Oct 25 2014
by Smoky
the only way who works today is GlobalVariables ....

MC does not use all of them, you can use these solutions if you have source-code of the two applications ;)

Re: Exchanging data between MC and C#

Posted: Oct 25 2014
by JoshM
the only way who works today is GlobalVariables ....
Can C# access the GlobalVariables set by MC? If so, how? That would be quite awesome and convenient.
MC does not use all of them, you can use these solutions if you have source-code of the two applications ;)
I don't follow/understand "MC does not use all of them". What should MC use of them?

But you don't need the source code of the application to work with pipes; a C# app or a MC .NET script can access/write to the pipe, and a C++ DLL used in a MultiCharts script can be the other part of the pipe.

Pipes are a stream just like the StreamWriter and StreamReader classes used in C# to write and read from a file, respectively.

Re: Exchanging data between MC and C#

Posted: Oct 27 2014
by arjfca
Just wondering whether it can be done? Maybe write to text and reading from text may be an option but is there a better option?
Not sure if it answer your question

I do transfert data between MC and in my case Excel using Global Variable and also a Text file

I had to switch to the text file when I installed MC 64. Excel still running in 32 so Global Variable where not anymore compatible

Data are stored in a CSV style string and I use a function Splitstring(x) to go fetch the desired portion of the string. If you ever need, I made the function available. Just search on the site
