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Public Functions for Comparing

Posted: Dec 28 2014
by orad
Is there any reason I should use any of the value comparison methods


instead of C# operators: ==, >, >=, <, <=

I suppose the only reason for this redundancy is to get compiler verification on the parameters, i.e. lval and rval both have to be of type 'Double' or you will get a compiler error. Is that correct, or are there other reasons for it?


Re: Public Functions for Comparing  [SOLVED]

Posted: Dec 29 2014
by AlphaCat
Yes, there is a reason - google for "floating point problem" or read: ... dberg.html

In short, double cant store for example 0.1 precisely, so == will often fail when you dont expect it to fail, whereas these double compare functions will work as you probably intend.

Re: Public Functions for Comparing

Posted: Dec 29 2014
by orad
I typically use type 'decimal' (System.Decimal) for anything that has to do with money. It is less prone to the floating point problem, but currently MultiCharts.NET does not support it as Input type. When I use decimal type for an input I get:

"The property 'xyz' with attribute "InputAttribute" must be a primitive type or System.String and must have public getter and public setter."

I think MultiCharts.NET should also use 'decimal' type throughout the APIs, anywhere that monetary amounts are inputted or outputted and in all calculations.

Re: Public Functions for Comparing

Posted: Jan 25 2015
by orad
Issue MC-1842: System.Double is not the recommended C# type for monetary calculations

Also see this related StackOverflow question: