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MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Jan 14 2015
by darob
I've noticed MC live charts don't match MC historical charts, and neither of them exactly match TWS charts. Is there some way to set them up so they do? The MC live charts have things like candles closing the opposite color to TWS sometimes, or closes past H/L's not correlating.

I don't understand this as I have MC and TWS sharing the same TWS datafeed.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Jan 14 2015
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello darob,

Please go to QuoteManager->Tools->DataSources->IB->Settings->disable “Generate new tick if total volume changes” and “Use server timestamps”.

Then make sure that on the chart in IB TWS in the Edit tab->Chart parameters->”What to show” is set to the same QuoteField as set in MultiCharts (Format->Instrument->Settings-> QuoteField). Keep in mind that “Midpoint” quote field is not supported in MultiCharts.

After that is done - reload the data on a chart in MultiCharts.

Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Jan 14 2015
by darob
"Generate new tick..." was checked, now unchecked. They seem to be moving in lock-step now. Thanks a lot.

Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Jan 15 2015
by darob
Spoke too quick. Attached is a screenshot showing how candles sometimes print opposite colors. I suppose I'm being nitpicky but I have alerts on specific conditions that arise on MC and I trade on TWS charts and it would be better if they were consistent.

I've checked the other variables you pointed out, Henry, and they seem fine.


Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Jan 16 2015
by darob
This morning the MC chart loaded exactly like the TWS chart in the examples above, so it's a live chart thing in MC. I can work with this if this is just the way it is, just trying to make sure I'm not overlooking something.

Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Feb 02 2015
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello darob,

MultiCharts displays all the data received from IB. MultiCharts data can be compared to the "IB Example" application data (which shows exactly what is sent via the API connection, and which can be different from TWS). If you want to run the "IB Example" application - please contact us directly.

Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Mar 12 2015
by raziel
Hello darob,

Please go to QuoteManager->Tools->DataSources->IB->Settings->disable “Generate new tick if total volume changes” and “Use server timestamps”.

Then make sure that on the chart in IB TWS in the Edit tab->Chart parameters->”What to show” is set to the same QuoteField as set in MultiCharts (Format->Instrument->Settings-> QuoteField). Keep in mind that “Midpoint” quote field is not supported in MultiCharts.

After that is done - reload the data on a chart in MultiCharts.
Hi Henry,
I have the same live data unsync problem between TWS and MC, may be due to my windows OS time is not sync with the time in TWS.

I want to clarify that your recommendation is to disable both “Generate new tick if total volume changes” and “Use server timestamps, right?

But for the "Generate new tick if total volume changes" option, I see article that this option helps to avoid spikes coming from IB API in real-time feed. So can I keep this option enable?


Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Mar 14 2015
by gbulle

this is what I have understood:

the prices transmitted by IB to the IB API are different from the prices transmitted by IB to TWS charts so an MC chart, collecting data from IB API, is similar but not identical to an IB charts.

Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Mar 19 2015
by Henry MultiСharts
Hi Henry,
I have the same live data unsync problem between TWS and MC, may be due to my windows OS time is not sync with the time in TWS.

I want to clarify that your recommendation is to disable both “Generate new tick if total volume changes” and “Use server timestamps, right?
That is correct.
But for the "Generate new tick if total volume changes" option, I see article that this option helps to avoid spikes coming from IB API in real-time feed. So can I keep this option enable?!
If you have spikes coming from IB - you can leave the option enabled, but the data will be filtered in this case (not pure API datastream).

Re: MC and TWS charts not matching

Posted: Mar 19 2015
by Henry MultiСharts

this is what I have understood:

the prices transmitted by IB to the IB API are different from the prices transmitted by IB to TWS charts so an MC chart, collecting data from IB API, is similar but not identical to an IB charts.
That is correct.