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Stuck on Establishing Connection

Posted: Apr 12 2015
by mcjohn
I have seen this reported in several ticket threads, however, yet to find an answer.

What was the solution on this? I am having the problem on Oanda. Nothing has changed on the system. I use a dedicated server just for MC. The internet connection is fine. I logged into Oanda MC ok. The green light is on next to Oanda in the chart tab, just no data on the chart. Error reports:

Establishing Connection...(H:Connecting RT: Offline)

I check the Preferences for Data Server Mode and it is set to Online. I have 4 hour charts, so they should load immediately. They did during the week on restart, so why not now on Sunday?

Thank you. Would like to trade and continue to evaluate the MC Trial. Contemplating leaving TS, however, this is not helping.

Re: Stuck on Establishing Connection

Posted: Apr 13 2015
by hughesfleming
Sometimes brokers do maintenance over the weekend. I have had this happen with LMax. Usually everything gets sorted by the next day.

Did you have everything setup properly in the connection manager? If you have a live account and a demo account with Oanda, make sure you are using the right one for testing. Try adding a symbol just in connection manager then chart that symbol as the next step.

I fought connection problems all day on Friday even coming to the possible conclusion with IQFeed support that perhaps my ISP is filtering the stream. Everything is working now and I did not have to change anything.

Re: Stuck on Establishing Connection

Posted: Apr 13 2015
by hughesfleming
I just went though the process of reducing the size of the database by cleaning out connection manager and running the gbak_x64.bat files. The database is almost 1Gig smaller now.

When I started MC again. Everything worked again including IQFeed which I had a problem with this morning. Could these connection problems actually be database problems?


Re: Stuck on Establishing Connection

Posted: Apr 13 2015
by mcjohn
Thanks for the info, however, nothing worked. Account mapping and everything else is set correctly. I can login successfully, just no data on charts. Oanda did do some maintenance this weekend. I contacted Oanda and they put the blame on MC. Still waiting for MC Support. Not so good for a first impression.

Re: Stuck on Establishing Connection

Posted: Apr 14 2015
by arnie
Still waiting for MC Support. Not so good for a first impression.
Please contact support using live chat for immediate assistance.
The forum is not the best place for that type of problems.

Re: Stuck on Establishing Connection  [SOLVED]

Posted: Apr 15 2015
by Henry MultiŠ”harts
The issue was in misconfigured data provider connection.