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MC9 broker and strategy sync

Posted: Jul 07 2015
by lbottan
i apologize in advance if my question is not proper.

I use TS and I would like to understand the best way to replicate automation in MC (wich is way better than TS).

In TS to resync the strategy with the real broker position i have to use a script (written in object oriented language) that when recognize a broker-strategy sync problem disable and re-enable the strategy so immediately the strategy is again sync with the account position.

Do i need anything similar in MC? I think it is quite normal to have these kind of problems with x mins bars and limit order, especially with forex. I am sure on MC you all have a lot of experiences and suggestions to give me.

Also: do i get any alert when there is a desync issue?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Re: MC9 broker and strategy sync

Posted: Jul 09 2015
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello lbottan,

When auto trading is initially started or restarted (after PC or MultiCharts restart) in SA mode - the strategy position is flat (zero). If you have an open position at the broker and you want your strategy to continue trading this position - you need to specify the position manually for each strategy next time you turn on the auto trading.

Please also keep in mind that only the open position information is synchronized (direction, amount of contracts, avg entry price), active price orders you have at broker cannot be synchronized. It means you need to manually cancel the active orders at broker and if conditions for generating these orders are met - the auto trading will place them.

There are multiple ways to synchronize the strategy position with the open position at broker. Please refer to our Wiki section to learn the difference: ... r_Settings

If you are trading on particular instrument from one chart only or all your strategies manage the same broker position – you may want to skip the window and feed the broker position directly to the signal. In this case you can select the option "Use the actual position at the broker".

Please also study the following wiki pages: ... _Execution ... Instrument ... itions_Tab