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Alerts only sent if automation is on?

Posted: Jan 31 2016
by DaveAronow
Sorry I'm not clear from the documentation, but are strategy alerts only sent if automated execution is enabled?

Re: Alerts only sent if automation is on?  [SOLVED]

Posted: Jan 31 2016
by JoshM
Sorry I'm not clear from the documentation, but are strategy alerts only sent if automated execution is enabled?
Strategy alerts are generated always when their condition satisfies, which can be on real-time data, playback data, or when the strategy's auto trading is enabled or not.

If you want your alerts to only generate when automated trading is enabled, use `GetAppInfo(aiStrategyAuto)` as a filter since that will return 1 if automated trading is enabled for the script and 0 in all other cases.

For more info, see GetAppInfo.