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How do you secure your strategies while trading on a VPN

Posted: May 23 2016
by Ming80
Hi Guys,
I am considering trading via a VPN and was wondering for those who already have how do you secure your strategies. From what i've gathered MC has 2 different ways of protection namely the Password protect method or the SEF read only method.

I was wondering on the following:

1) Would this suffice for security purposes or is there another alternative which I have missed?

2) Pardon my ignorance but after securing the strategies can they be run in live trading and would there be any impact processing time? (I ask this because I see some other TS strategies using .dll files)

3) I am thinking the SEF method seems more secure since there isn't a password. But is this now compatible with all versions of MC which might be quite a hassle during upgrading of MC etc.? In this respect what would be the other drawbacks for each of the methods to consider for trading in a VPN?

Many thanks and appreciate any input.

Re: How do you secure your strategies while trading on a VPN

Posted: May 23 2016
by TJ
See post #7
(7) [FAQ] Encryption, code protection, etc.,

Re: How do you secure your strategies while trading on a VPN  [SOLVED]

Posted: May 24 2016
by hughesfleming
I understand that people are concerned about security but you might be over thinking the problem with regards to running a VPS. As long as your admin password is secure and you are running Windows server, there is not too much to worry about. Password protect your strategies and you should be good to go.

Why would your service provider or someone else have an interest in what you are running? Why do think that you might be singled out? If these are real concerns then you might need to consider other options.

With regards to performance you should not notice a difference. You are more likely to have performance problems from an overloaded server than anything else.

Re: How do you secure your strategies while trading on a VPN

Posted: May 24 2016
by gilko
I like this code:

Code: Select all

// MC serial number
userID = getuserid;
userID$ = NumToStr(userID,0);
because this number is hard coded from your PC and MC by Multicharts.

if you hard code this code in your study it's impossible to run in another PC, you can use also Account number to trade only on your own account ;)

Re: How do you secure your strategies while trading on a VPN

Posted: May 24 2016
by Ming80
Thanks guys for all the pointers and input. Much appreciated.

I guess we all have/had that initial bit of worry and I was trying to figure out the point of best practices becoming irrational paranoia haha. :)

Giko, great idea thanks! This is great layer of authentication which should be quite easy to implement.