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InteractiveBrokers order status errors

Posted: Oct 24 2016
by bogdan
Hello everyone,

does anyone have issues with IB and "Order that needs to be cancelled can not be cancelled"?
Multicharts is connected to IB Gateway 958 and I constantly get this error (see attachment)
IB Gateway is in paper mode.
This leads to overfilled state by the broker. Also when I close position and enable autotrading back MC sends again old orders (they are marked as Manual Trading in the list) and if I cancel this orders the system resubmits them again.
Are there any settings that can mitigate this issue?

Re: InteractiveBrokers order status errors

Posted: Oct 24 2016
by Henry MultiŠ”harts
Hello bogdan,

We are currently working on the message "Order that needs to be cancelled can not be cancelled" on our end. We are going to have it handled correctly in the next update (MultiCharts .NET 10.0 Release).

Re: InteractiveBrokers order status errors

Posted: Oct 25 2016
by bogdan
In the Beta 2 the problem still persists, but apparently only with IB Gateway. TWS works correctly. If I can somehow help with log files when working with IB Gateway just tell me..