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IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 03 2016
by tozwp
(99.23 KiB) Downloaded 1418 times
Working on charts Saturday morning and noticed all my TF futures intraday charts are missing over the last hour of data and I can't figure out why. I've tried reloading and making sure the sessions setting is correct (set to "Default"). Plotting the data with IB's charting tool shows the entire day. When I plot another contract on the same chart, it shows the entire day also. Attached is a chart showing TFZ6 and YM.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 03 2016
by TJ
are your charts set to local time?

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 03 2016
by tozwp
TJ, yes, both TF and YM are set to local time. On a 1 min chart the YM chart ends at 16:00 and the TF chart ends at 13.54. Makes no sense to me. If I add the symbol TFZ16 from TS, it plots correctly and ends at the proper session end time. Maybe its just a problem with IB and data on Saturdays? I'll try again Sunday night and see if the problem persists.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 03 2016
by TJ
TJ, yes, both TF and YM are set to local time. On a 1 min chart the YM chart ends at 16:00 and the TF chart ends at 13.54. Makes no sense to me. If I add the symbol TFZ16 from TS, it plots correctly and ends at the proper session end time. Maybe its just a problem with IB and data on Saturdays? I'll try again Sunday night and see if the problem persists.

What about your seesion time?

TF = NY time
YM = Chicago time

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 03 2016
by tozwp
TJ, I have both sessions set to "US Stocks (Regular Trading Hours)". From the QuoteManger under the Session Template, the box below the Description the Session Time is set to "Local".

In the chart under Format Instruments, I've tried setting all of them to 24/7 or others but get the same results.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 03 2016
by tozwp
Here's a chart showing TF (IB data), YM (IB data) and TF (TS data). Under Format Instrument, all three are set to US stocks (Regular Trading Hours) and all three are set to Local Time in the Time Zone box. TF with IB data ends at 13:54 while the other two end at 15:00 as they should.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 03 2016
by TJ
TJ, I have both sessions set to "US Stocks (Regular Trading Hours)". From the QuoteManger under the Session Template, the box below the Description the Session Time is set to "Local".

In the chart under Format Instruments, I've tried setting all of them to 24/7 or others but get the same results.

Is this the first time you have problem charting TF?

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 03 2016
by tozwp
Yes, never had a problem until this morning.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 04 2016
by arnie
Remember that TF will have a big change in its specs this Monday.
Contract size will now be $50 times the index and the tick size will be $5.
For sure historical data needs to be adjusted and maybe because of it has not yet become available.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 05 2016
by tozwp
Was hoping TF would start working again this morning but I still have the same problem. Could there be some issue with corrupted data somewhere? How would I go about deleting all of my data for my symbols and starting over? I'm out of ideas and would like to trade but can't get this chart to work. Checked that my data is okay with IB and its fine. Other futures data from IB plots fine too. Data server mode is Online and set to download missing historical data.

In the Quotemanager, If I right click on TFZ6 and edit data, it only shows data until Dec 2, 2016 15:34:52 which is where my chart ends. It isn't pulling any data from later than that time. I then tried to edit data for TFH7 and nothing loaded into the data window. Seems something is not allowing the symbol TF to load properly.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 05 2016
by tozwp
Should also mention that I am running version 10 build 13557 and TWS build 952.3b.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 05 2016
by arnie
please go to live chat that the guys will look what is happening and can solve things up on the spot

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 05 2016
by tozwp
Thanks Arnie, I've been clicking on live chat but nothing happens. Will try again.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 05 2016
by tozwp
Solved. Angelina on chat was able to figure it out. In the QuoteManager under Data Sources and Interactive Brokers, the box was checked for Utilization of cach for real time data. Unchecking it fixed the problem.

Re: IB chart missing data?

Posted: Dec 05 2016
by arnie
The guys (and gals ;) ) on the chat offer a 5 star service :)