Export Custom Futures

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no erocla
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Jan 25 2017

I've built a custom futures composed by front futures contracts.
There is a way to export on csv (ascii) ?

Thank you
No Erocla

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Angelina MultiСharts
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Jan 25 2017

Hello No Erocla,

To export Custom Futures data please do the following: plot a chart for the Custom Futures, then go to File -> Export Data.
I'd also recommend choosing "24/7" for the session settings on the chart that you export.

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Oct 02 2022

For export custom futures as an ascii, the File -> Export Data to ascii is grayed out. I want to export data to one continuous data so I can use Bar Magnifier. Any better way to do it? One work around is to use Print to write data to file in easylanguage indicator, but it's not convenient. Thx

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Kate MultiCharts
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Oct 03 2022

For export custom futures as an ascii, the File -> Export Data to ascii is grayed out. I want to export data to one continuous data so I can use Bar Magnifier. Any better way to do it? One work around is to use Print to write data to file in easylanguage indicator, but it's not convenient. Thx
Hello capitaldog,

Are you trying to export data in QuoteManager or from a chart? Exporting from charts is available for Custom Futures after the data on the chart is fully loaded. More info here.
To export data from a chart, plot your Custom Futures, then in the MultiCharts main window go to File -> Export Data. Please check the attached screenshot.
Export data from a chart.png
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