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Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Feb 28 2017
by bensat
Just upgraded from MC 9.0 > 10.0 Release (Build 13626) 2 weeks ago. After some adjustments and experiments every roll-over went smoothly like it should in version 9.0. Since I upgraded to version 10 I get warnings that my configuration for several <CUSTOM FUTURES> are not correct and may give some errors. But they work like they are supposed to.

I am using CQG data feed. Today is the 1st day TYA (aka ZN) and USA (aka ZB) roll over and higher volume will be seen in June (M) contracts. I set my custome future for both to roll-over for me after the 1st day of higher volume in the front month. It perfectly worked in version 9.0. But from today on I get these weird message and the chart does not update at all :



I can re-open the workspace several times without any change. Does this mean I won't be able to use this till tomorrow ? What adjustments do I have to make so it will work today as well from version 9.0 (working) to version 10 (not working) ??? If I change the rollover procedure settings to a specific amount of days before the contract expiration it works again.


Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Feb 28 2017
by bensat

1st tick of the OpenOutcry session comes in and all custom contracts set with this session for $ZN_F && $ZB_F give me the same error ...



Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Feb 28 2017
by Angelina MultiСharts
Hello Ben,

We are currently working on this issue.
For now please set Rollover condition to Event "2 days of higher Volume".

Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Feb 28 2017
by bensat
Thank you Angelina, unfortunately it did not change current issue. I changed the settings in the custom futures, closed the charts and re-opened them. Same issue and same messages. Chart goes offline ...


Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Mar 01 2017
by bensat
Update ... so day 3 after rollover and the problem is still there no matter what I am setting up as Custom Future. Looks for me like once the roll day is reached it's kept in place even when I tell the system there was no rollover day ... Weird. But unfortunately I need a quick solution !!! Even changing from 'Volume' settings to 'Days to expire' doesn't help ....


Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Mar 02 2017
by bensat

just to inform you I talked to other trading 'friends' experiencing the same problem with SC and NT using CQG data as well and having the same problem just this roll only, like I do. Hope this helps in your current investigations.


Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Mar 02 2017
by Angelina MultiСharts

Please come to the Live Chat from 6:30 am to 12 pm so our engineers could take a look one more time.

Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Mar 03 2017
by bensat

ty for the support yesterday via live chat. Unfortunately after implementing your new models and a restart of the Quotemanager etc and opening different workspaces I get shot by messages. I get these kind of messages no matter which workspace is opened (haveing charts with Custom Futures implemented). All these warnings are without any sense to me as the contracts are already added. Messages are popping up every Custom Future.


Charts show back adjusted data not correct even the Custom Futures are set up right. All after the modules were modified/added yesterday.


The good thing is Multicharts won't go 'offline'. :D :lol:


Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F  [SOLVED]

Posted: Mar 10 2017
by bensat
Angelina ... Since you changed the modules I have trouble with costume futures every day. Everything is f..... up. Data reloading, extending loaded data etc ... Nothing helps. Every day symbols going offline.

My strategies rely on continous back adjusted futures. As I am complaining for yrs how it's implemented in Multicharts and nothing changes and now with even more trouble after upgrading 10, because support is rejected while running version 9.0/9.1 relatively smoothly, I can't stop trading for 3 weeks during expiration season ....

Sorry for my language, but it sucks and very disappointing after all these years ...

Happy trading ... Problem solved.

My Regards and best wishes


Re: Rollover $ZN_F && $ZB_F

Posted: Mar 10 2017
by Angelina MultiСharts
Hello Ben,

We are sorry for your negative experience. We are constantly improving the product - adding new features and fixing bugs. Custom Futures functionality was significantly improved with the recent Releases, but it is impossible to anticipate all potential issues due to the complexity of this functionality and diversity of use cases. The issue you reported was confirmed and we did our best to process it in a timely manner, and our engineers prepared a solution.
I have sent an Email on March, 6 asking you to come to the Live Chat so we could install the fix for you and help to test it out under the engineers supervision. Sadly, I didn't hear back from you.
Please come to our Live Chat from 6:30 am to 12 pm. Or if you prefer to test the fix on your own, please send me a message and I'll provide the files and detailed installation instructions.