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Visual Studio 2017 & PLStudiesVB2010 compilation failures

Posted: Apr 25 2017
by bryanzim
Even though I am not currently using VB items in order to get them to compile properly in Visual Studio 2017 enterprise, I had to do the following:

1. add "Imports PowerLanguage.Indicator" to every indicator
2. add "Imports PowerLanguage.Strategy" to every strategy
3. add "Imports PowerLanguage.Function" to every indicator and strategy as needed

Could these corrections be made for future releases?

Re: Visual Studio 2017 & PLStudiesVB2010 compilation failures

Posted: Apr 25 2017
by Angelina MultiŠ”harts
Hello bryanzim,

It might be possible to implement. Please leave a feature request here:

Re: Visual Studio 2017 & PLStudiesVB2010 compilation failures

Posted: Apr 27 2017
by bryanzim
I do not share the opinion that this should be a feature request. It is invalid VB.NET code and should be fixed for future releases. The latest release overwrote the changes and will require manual reentry of all indicators, strategies, functions to get proper compilation.

Re: Visual Studio 2017 & PLStudiesVB2010 compilation failures

Posted: Apr 30 2017
by Angelina MultiŠ”harts
We usually recommend to create, modify and debug VB.NET studies in PowerLanguage .NET Editor only.
However, I've forwarded this request to the engineers, it is currently under review. I'll keep you posted.

Re: Visual Studio 2017 & PLStudiesVB2010 compilation failures  [SOLVED]

Posted: May 21 2017
by bryanzim
For anyone having issues here are the exported VB.NET studies which fix compilation in VS2017 so you don't get hundreds of errors. I reimport these everytime there is a release.