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CQG Historical Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 08 2017
by eegroup
Real time CQG data is being fed to the charts, but there is no access to any CQG historical data.

Below are two screens showing the resulting issues. Both of the subject charts have been up and running for over eight hours. On recently reloaded symbols, where data was current as of last Friday, when reloading all data, it continually displays "Reloading...". On a chart that has not been loaded for a while (prior to last Friday), it continually displays "Backfilling...".

This issue has been going on all weekend, since the Friday market close. This is occurring with Multiple CQG data feed accounts and on multiple systems, running both Windows 10 and Windows Server OS. We are using MC 10.0 Release 4 Build 14245, with CQG Live Account Data Feeds.

1. Is this a MultiCharts issue or a CQG issue?
2. Did the CQG data feed API change, once again, this weekend, like when CQG obsoleted their COM API and required that we all move to their Web API, last February?

Please investigate and apply any fixes that are available. We need access to the CQG historical data ASAP.

Thank you!


Re: CQG Histrocal Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 08 2017
by CrazyNasdaq
I've the same problema with a hole since last friday morning in my historical data. At this time there is no possibility to backfill those data so it's impossible for me to trade because the chart is always in "Backfilling....." mode even if I try to load 3 - or 4 days. The Charts displays only the last day (today) with no other days. I'm in the same position of eegroup


here the QM after 10 minutes of waiting

Re: CQG Histrocal Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 08 2017
by jjlas
I have the same problem

Re: CQG Histrocal Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 08 2017
by jimm88
same issues,...

Re: CQG Histrocal Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 08 2017
by nmackwani
same here, some data loading, but many not.

Re: CQG Histrocal Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 08 2017
by Chartsurfer
Yep, same here ... :(

EP and FDXM are just a black screens displaying "Establishing connection ..." all day ... Great ... :cry:

Re: CQG Histrocal Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 08 2017
by Henry MultiСharts
Dear users,

At the moment there is an issue with providing tick historical data on CQG end. We have sent the logs to CQG and waiting for their feedback.
Until issue is resolved you can disable the option “download missing historical data” in File -> Preferences -> Data server mode to be able to use the locally stored data + realtime data.
Or use minute / daily based resolutions, there should be no issues with accessing these types of data.

Re: CQG Histrocal Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 08 2017
by jimm88
Henry your the best wish I knew that earlier , I can see the charts now thank you

Re: CQG Historical Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 09 2017
by jimm88
I switched back this am to see if issues where resolved and still no historical data, so I am still on this resolution ...

Re: CQG Historical Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 09 2017
by CrazyNasdaq
Are there any news about the datafeed and the restoration of historical data with CQG ?
Any news from them ?

Re: CQG Historical Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 09 2017
by eegroup
We still are unable to access any CQG historical tick data. What has CQG said about this issue? Any ETA for having a resolution available?

CQG tick and volume charts are useless without the ability to download the missing data to fill the data gaps.

Thank you!

Re: CQG Historical Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 10 2017
by Henry MultiСharts
Dear users,

CQG has done code breaking changes on the historical data servers. They have rolled back Sim connection tonight, this means you can access historical tick data in Sim environment now. Live connection will be rolled back on 05/12.
In the meantime we are working on an update to support these changes in the platform. An update is to follow.

Re: CQG Historical Data is Not Accessible  [SOLVED]

Posted: May 12 2017
by Henry MultiСharts
Dear users,

We have released new version 10.0 Release 5 that has improvements to overcome the CQG server issue.
Please update to be able to load historical tick data for Live connection.
If some data periods are missing - reload your chart.

Re: CQG Historical Data is Not Accessible

Posted: May 12 2017
by nmackwani
Seems to be working fine now. Thanks Henry.