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mail alert with stocks information

Posted: Feb 14 2019
by no erocla
Is possibile through Portfolio Trader to retrieve information from stocks (for example close price of each stock) and sending it in one e-mail ?
Thank you in advance

Re: mail alert with stocks information

Posted: Feb 14 2019
by Anna MultiCharts
Hello, no erocla!

I’m afraid that’s not possible to combine several alerts and to send them using just one email. Each alert is sent separately.

Re: mail alert with stocks information

Posted: Feb 14 2019
by TJ
Yahoo or Google Finance can send you the closing price you need.

Re: mail alert with stocks information

Posted: Feb 15 2019
by ABC
no erocla,

you should be able to do that for the stocks that are within your portfolio by having either the money management or the entry signal on one symbol collect all the information and send the email. You will likely require a timer though as the markets might be closed by the time you execute your code and you will need to make sure that all symbols have closed - for example by waiting past the bar time out before executing the code.



Re: mail alert with stocks information

Posted: Feb 15 2019
by no erocla

You will likely require a timer though as the markets might be closed by the time you execute your code and you will need to make sure that all symbols have closed - for example by waiting past the bar time out before executing the code.

Of course! Anyway, on daily bars trading is easier to manage.

Maybe, in Portfolio Trader i can send all stocks information (through a Signal) to Money Management Signal and then re-send it on another 1 Signal the just retrieve information and send it by mail.