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Reports from individual strategies from same broker?

Posted: May 02 2019
by Salzburg

As an example.
I am running 10 strategies all on separate charts, all on same accounts and on same symbol.
IN this example 10 strategies on ES using one account on IB.

How can i end of the month donwload tradereports from each strategy separate, if i have had to start and stopped each chart a few times during the same month?

As we all know its almost impossible to run strategies without stopping and starting them from time to time, can be MC crashes, restarting of trade server, updating contract month etc etc.

I am struggling to understand how i can get my monthly reports from each strategy end of month, seeing each strategy separate IF i have been forced to restart a strategy on a chart or portfolio.

As far as i can see now, i can only get statements for ALL trades from each symbol, which makes it impossible to differentiate each strategy.
I am sure there much be a way, i just cant see how it can be done.
I can differentiate strategies from same symbol when papertrading but i can NOT when i trade live from IB as an example.

Thanks for tips or help how to solve this.

Re: Reports from individual strategies from same broker?

Posted: May 07 2019
by Henry MultiŠ”harts
Hello Salzburg,

Your understanding is correct. Currently you can view the report for all trades for the specific symbol/account.
You can vote for this feature request for adding the report per strategy: ... es/MC-2554
Please contact support directly if you need a PM account.