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new version after version 9 have prolbems in large arrays

Posted: Jun 17 2019
by guobinzhang2003
Hi, Multicharts techinical support engineer,

I have my code blow with large array defination using in version8.8 ,

Code: Select all

////////////////////// arrays: r[20,20,64,64](0); if time=1500 then print(date,time); ///////////////////
and i used this code in 1min chart. it was runing very fast.

But after I upgraded to version 9 , the speed of code became very very slow, about 1% of the version 8.8,
in version 12, the problem still have.

it seems Multicharts a bug in processing large arrays after version 8.8

because i have to define large arrays with my strategy, please help me to have a test in new version of multicharts with comparation to
version 8.8 .

Thank you very much in advance.

Guobin Zhang

Re: new version after version 9 have prolbems in large arrays

Posted: Jun 17 2019
by TJ
See post #1 & #2
How to post codes

Re: new version after version 9 have prolbems in large arrays

Posted: Jun 18 2019
by Anna MultiCharts
Hello, guobinzhang2003!

We’ve checked this on our end and we confirm the difference in time. We’ll carry out the investigation on this matter and post what we manage to find later.

Re: new version after version 9 have prolbems in large arrays

Posted: Oct 05 2019
by guobinzhang2003
Hello, Muticharts technical support engineer,

After almost 3 months, is there any progress for this problem solving?

Thanks and best regards,

Guobin Zhang

Re: new version after version 9 have prolbems in large arrays

Posted: Oct 07 2019
by Anna MultiCharts
Hello, guobinzhang2003!

The fix for this is targeted to the nearest release of MultiCharts 12. Please visit our blog every once in a while to find if the new release is available: