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Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jun 20 2019
by wilkinsw

MC, just to let you that for the first time ever I've suffered a spontaneous corruption of my database.

For some reason, for all instruments, data stopped being stored at various times today and yesterday: If I copy and paste a chart it will show end times that are several hours before the chart that was copied and I can no longer open a chart with the most up to date data.

No idea how to reproduce; but is probably the most significant error I've come across in the several years of using MC. No popups warnings etc... just new charts with wrong data.

Please have a think as to how this could've happened.


Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jun 20 2019
by TJ
For the current MC version,
all the operating data are stored in RAM.
The data is flushed to your harddisk when you shut down MC.

As the first debug step, I would run the memory test to check the memory integrity.

Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jun 20 2019
by sptrader
Another important thing besides what TJ said- make sure that after exiting MC, check "processes" (ctrl-alt-del) and make sure that all of MC's processes are closed before turning off or rebooting your computer. It can take several minutes, depending upon CPU speed, HD, RAM etc.

Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jul 03 2019
by hughesfleming
Must be the season. Just lost mine as well. Very frustrating.



Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jul 03 2019
by Smoky
be carefull, when use on slow PC sometime MC make long time to close All, don't shutdown your PC quickly after closing MC...

Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jul 09 2019
by wilkinsw
It was a strange case. It didn't happen during a restart. I noticed it when opening a new chart. Existing charts had the correct data; so it couldn't have been a datafeed disconnect. Could only solve by deleting the effected instruments, reimporting from a backup, then restarting.

Maybe TJ is right when suggesting it could be corrupt memory. So maybe a hardware issue.

Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jun 28 2020
by hughesfleming
I have another database / IQFeed tick data problem. On Saturday something broke and it is affecting the @ES#C contract and not the September. Back tests break with bar magnifier set to tick. Should I bring this up with IQFeed as well? Fortunately the @ES# is working normally. This is what it looks like. What could have caused this?


(231.87 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jun 28 2020
by TJ
Have you checked the scaling? . . . Make sure it is attached to the dataseries.

Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jun 28 2020
by wilkinsw
Plot your tick data and report back. It looks like you’ve got tick data with very high values for some reason. Maybe something to do with the rollover, not sure.

Then delete the symbol. Press ctrl+b (i do that but not sure if it’s obligatory). Then readd the symbol.

Again plot the tick data and report back.

Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jun 28 2020
by hughesfleming
Thanks @TJ and @ wilkinsw,

I just loaded the strategy on a backup machine and that is working. I should be able to see what is different between the two. The odd thing is that it was working fine on Friday and strangely broken on Saturday. I will check the scaling and see if they match and if not, I will just reinstall from backups.

Kind regards,


Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jul 07 2020
by Sallymeow
I have a similar problem just like the case of hughesfleming. Look at the picture attached. The entry points and exit points are outside the bars buying and selling at unrealistic prices. Very odd thing! It happen when I use the bar magnifier (1min resolution) to backtest the strategy. Still finding solution to solve it.

Re: Spontaneous corruption of database MC12

Posted: Jul 07 2020
by hughesfleming

I tried a couple different things to fix the problem which didn't really help. I eventually deleted everything including the database and reinstalled. It is working again normally now but this is probably not the answer you were hoping for.

