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price and indicator markers inconsistent

Posted: Oct 24 2019
by darob
Hi, I know this has been raised before, but I haven't seen any solutions aside from just not using the precise marker settings at all. Why on a single chart does the price marker appear on top of the other markers for some instruments, below for others, with indicator markers swapping levels arbitrarily too? It's just one chart with the same indicators and visual order, the only difference being instruments that are linked to a watchlist. (In the screenshots price is gold.)

Screen Shot 2019-10-24 at 9.36.03 PM.png
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Screen Shot 2019-10-24 at 9.35.27 PM.png
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Re: price and indicator markers inconsistent  [SOLVED]

Posted: Oct 25 2019
by Svetlana MultiCharts
Hello, darob,

At the present moment the price scale labels are displayed from top to bottom. Each lower label overlays the higher one. We have forwarded the information about drawback of this behaviour to our dev team and they will think how to improve it in the future.

Setting your indicator’s scale to “Screen” may work for you as a workaround: ... or_Scaling

Re: price and indicator markers inconsistent

Posted: Oct 25 2019
by darob
Hi Svetlana, thanks for explaining the logic. That was a mystery to me. The screen option seems to skew some of the plot placements on the chart, so I'll just continue with standard non-precise markers for the time being.