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Version 3.1 of MultiCharts released

Posted: Jun 25 2008
by Stanley Miller
Version 3.1 of MultiCharts released:


• Updated Hawkeye Add-ons

Programming Language/Script Editor
• 'Switch/case', 'break', 'continue', 'once' keywords implemented

Data Feeds and Data Management
• Updated TransAct data source. New features: Historical data now available

• Upgrade can now be done in one step. Run the installer once and it will remove the old version and install the new one.


A large number of major and minor bugs have been fixed

Auto Trading
• In the IOG mode, with either 'Limit each order command in this signal to one entry and one exit per bar' or 'Limit this signal to one entry or one exit per bar' enabled, no orders are sent to the broker (although arrows are plotted on charts)
• Orders disappear from the chart. If, with auto trading on, you go to Format Symbol and without making any changes click OK, all the arrows will disappear from the chart.
• Compulsory bar closing for auto trading
• If the timeout to replace a limit/stop order by a market order is set to 0 seconds, 2 orders are submitted and then no orders are submitted at all.
• Unfilled Strategy Order Placement (conversion of limit/stop orders into market orders) doesn't work
• If a limit/stop order is partially filled, the replace option (to replace an unfilled limit/stop order) is still active which results in duplicate orders
• Wrong commission calculation on SetStopLoss, SetProfitTarget, SetBreakEven, SetDollarTrailing
• Partial exits don't work correctly
• The setting "Maximum shares/contracts per position" is not used in auto trading
• The IOG mode is not saved when a workspace is saved and then opened
• Auto trading doesn't work on Win2000. Orders don't get sent to TWS
• MultiCharts crashes when auto trading gets disabled
• Auto trading doesn't work when several entry orders are allowed in the same direction
• If a limit/stop order gets rejected by the broker, MC will submit a market order, even if the symbol is not being updated (when Unfilled Strategy Order Placement is checked)
• Market orders generated through the Close Position dialogue don't get filled in IB without a confirmation through TWS
• The program offers to close an open position even if TWS isn't running
• Autotrading isn't disabled when strategy properties are changed. Even if the option "Allow up to … entry orders in the same direction as the currently held position ' gets disabled, the orders will still be sent to the broker until the specified number of entries has been reached. At the same time, no orders will be plotted on the chart.
• IOG limitations 'Limit each order command in this signal to one entry and one exit per bar' and 'Limit this signal to one entry or one exit per bar' apply to the whole trading session instead of one bar.
• Wrong calculation of signals in the IOG mode
• OpenPositionProfit isn't calculated in the IOG mode, if the strategy doesn't contain the following keywords: SetStopLoss, SetProfitTarget, SetBreakEven, SetDollarTrailing

• Issues with adding multiple symbols from a provider
• 'No Data' message when requesting 'Bars Back' or 'Days Back' for daily data
• Establishing connection message keeps showing in the status line. No bars are plotted.
• Gaps when changing the 'Bars Back' value
• Authorization. MC can now work for 30 days without the internet connection.
• QuoteManager crashes when Korean symbols are entered into the Symbol Lookup field.
• Data from IB does not work on PCs with Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) for Windows x64

• MultiCharts -> Window. No list of the open chart windows is displayed
• GetAppInfo doesn't work in signals with the following parameters: aiHighestDispValue, aiLowestDispValue
• 'Attach' and 'Stick' buttons disappear on maximized detached windows
• Pop-up menus for scales (time, price, volume) don't work on the monitor left of the main one
• Detached windows disappear
• Detached windows don't have scales or scroll-bars when 2 or more saved workspaces are opened
• Position of the detached windows is not saved when 2 or more saved workspaces are opened
• Hot keys don't work for the detached windows
• Window title is displayed incorrectly (on all demo charts) when chart windows are being loaded
• No active windows when opening a workspace containing only detached windows
• 2-week and higher resolution bars are plotted incorrectly
• The number of decimals for an indicator changes when this indicator is highlighted
• Indicator plot type doesn't get saved

• OpenPositionProfit does not get calculated in the IOG mode, if the strategy does not contain SetStopLoss, SetProfitTraget, SetBreakEven, or SetDollarTrailing orders
• 'Sync' button doesn't work in PLEditor Help
• When opening a protected TS2000i study, PLEditor doesn't request a password
• Errors when importing several files
• Ctrl+C (Ctrl+Ins) doesn't work in the Output and Build tabs
• 'Update on every tick' on/off mode isn't saved when an indicator is imported/exported
• Square brackets [ ] don't work for the French keyboard layout
• Compilation shouldn't clear the previous changes (Undo/Redo)
• The keyword 'unsigned' isn't painted blue
• dll_add and dll_free don't get called after an indicator status has changed
• Exception in translator when compiling "value2 = MRO(range crosses below range,50,1)"

• Crashes when optimization is run on a quad-core PC
• Optimization with the estimated time over 24 hours stops at 23:59:59