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Count tick - TickUp TickDown in Custom Resolution

Posted: Dec 10 2020
by PietroCH
Good evening,

I need to count the UPtick and DOWNtick in a Custom Bar.

I point out that I am using the Custom Resolution ...

Could you please explain to me what is the correct procedure for obtaining this information?

Please can you help me? For me this information is important... :wink:

Re: Count tick - TickUp TickDown in Custom Resolution

Posted: Dec 17 2020
by Kate MultiCharts
Hello PietroCH,

You can use Regular plugin sample as an example.

In the main QuoteManager menu please select Tools -> Custom Resolutions Manager -> click New. Create new Custom Resolution Plugin window will open.

From Select Template dropdown box choose Regular plugin sample.

Enter Name and Vendor, then click Create. The template script will open.

Starting with the line 76 in the code you can see how to count Up Down Tick.