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Commissions Calculation on Binance

Posted: Feb 20 2021
by DanielFXS
I've set up a portfolio trading on binance. I'm trading spot using AA mode. This is all good but when I take a trade the amount of contracts on my portfolio shown in multicharts is offset compared the binance. This is due to the commissions calculated. Binance calculates commissions differently, for example;
I send a market order to buy 1 btc. - multicharts shows I've bought 1 btc - binance shows I've bought 0.999 btc.
This wouldn't be an issue only that when I close my position, multicharts will send an order to sell 1 btc when in reality I only have 0.999 btc. This will result in an error.

Is there a way to set up the commissions so that the position size includes the subtracted commission?

I'm trying to do a work around in my strategy script but can't think of a way that doesn't alter the backtesting.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Commissions Calculation on Binance

Posted: Feb 20 2021
by DanielFXS

I've found a work around using the ChangeMarketPosition function. I've put this into my script and use it to subtract from the contracts. It's bit complicated but seems to work.

If their is a better way such as using the multicharts built in commissions please let me know.


Re: Commissions Calculation on Binance

Posted: Feb 25 2021
by Kate MultiCharts
Hello DanielFXS,

Broker and MultiCharts position mismatches are expected if Asynchronous Mode of Auto Trading (AA) is used.
You can find more info about it here.

Please try using Synchronous Mode of Auto Trading (SA).