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Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: May 20 2021
by idnotbe
Now crypto market is growing really fast.
But MC offers only Binance among the "major" ​crypto exchanges. ( )

Are there any plans for more crypto brokers?
personally i wish to trade Bybit perpetual with MC, because Bybit doesn't have lag or overload issues.

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: May 21 2021
by Vlada MultiCharts
Hello idnotbe,

Thank you for your suggestion.
We are considering the opportunities of exchanging crypto coverage.

I have created an account for you at our Project Management resource, you can post your request there. Other users will have the opportunity to vote for it. If other users support your suggestion and this broker is highly requested by the community, we'll consider developing a plugin for it.

I have sent you the credentials for your account at Project Management by email.

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: May 22 2021
by Smoky
Agree with this post the link please !

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: May 22 2021
by idnotbe
Agree with this post the link please !
vote for this feature or leave your comment here : ... es/MC-2711

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: Aug 22 2021
by kinwai
How can I have account to vote for Bybit plug-in?

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: Aug 23 2021
by Tammy MultiCharts
Hello kinwai,

Please reach out to us at to get a Project Management account.
How can I have account to vote for Bybit plug-in?

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: Aug 23 2021
by Mark Chan
total agree!

as Binance is no more future trading in many country (specially Hong Kong)
only trade Spot and long only............... it is no use anymore¬
so......hope Multicharts support team can open the Bybit Connection, Thanks

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: Sep 08 2021
by Chartsurfer
Dear MultiCharts team,

please consider adding Kraken too.


Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: Sep 08 2021
by Tammy MultiCharts
Hello Chartsurfer,

We have plans on implementing Kraken crypto feed and broker in one of the future releases.

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: Oct 03 2021
by owleyes
Bybit please.

Re: Any plans for more crypto brokers?

Posted: Oct 04 2021
by Tammy MultiCharts
Hello owleyes,

We do not have plans on implementing Bybit in the nearest releases.
Please vote for the connection here, if you haven't done that earlier.
We are constantly tracking our Project Management and doing our best to keep up with users' requests.
If this request gets enough votes, our development team will take connecting new crypto brokers into consideration.