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Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 08 2021
by bowlesj3

I use IB for my Canadian stock market data but for US indexes and one US stock I use Free quotes for a very rare trade I may make. I just realized the free quotes feed stopped on May 8th 2021. So I went to my reminder database, looked up the procedure below, did it and it failed to get the data up to date. I attached the quote manager screen shot. Does anyone have suggestions.

Open the quote manager window
go to tools
go to data sources
select free quotes (highlight free quotes)
click settings
Notice that both yahoo and google are checked
Highlight the lower one that you want to be moved up.
Click the move up button
click Okay
Now reload the data with ctrl+r
Note: I also closed and opened the work space.

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 09 2021
by Tammy MultiCharts
Hello bowlesj3,

There has been a minor update released with corresponding fixes for Free Quotes.
Please download it from this link. After the installation please reload your Free Quotes charts to restore the missing data.

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 09 2021
by bowlesj3
There has been a minor update released with corresponding fixes for Free Quotes.
Please download it from this link. After the installation please reload your Free Quotes charts to restore the missing data.
Thanks Tammy.

I have a question. I am currently running MC64 V11 Build 15808 and I am waiting to upgrade when "Multicharts 14 release 3 (not beta 3)" comes out which according to Svetlana in the 2nd post of this thread
will fix the wrong symbol issue I reported in that thread. So I did the down load you suggested and noticed it ended in R3. Am I correct in assuming running this download will install the latest Release 3 of MC 64 that I have been waiting for. Its a bit confusing because the forum only shows release 2 is available at this thread.

Thanks again,

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 09 2021
by Tammy MultiCharts
Hi John,

The version I provided is a minor update that only includes critical fixed for Free Quotes and Binance.
You can find the fixes included in that version in our What's New section.

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 13 2021
by bowlesj3
Hi Tammy

I would install the Latest MC64 V14 Release 3 now except I have a concern. Maybe you can eliminate it. I explain it below.

It use to be that if I installed the latest update of MC and an important feature I was using stopped working (it happened 1 or 2 times) I could uninstall it and use my old install file (currently V11 Build 15808) to bring myself back up and running to trade within about an hour. This was a great feature because I could be very aggressive and upgrade to the latest (none beta) release at all times without fear and be more likely to offer suggestions and notice bugs that others had not noticed such as the one above copied here again.
So since my understanding is "I can no longer roll back like this" I feel to upgrade I have to read all your forum stuff on the latest version to decide if it is safe to upgrade. Therefore since that is a lot of work it makes more sense for me to wait for the other bug I reported to be fixed first and kill two birds with one stone so to speak.


Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 16 2021
by janus
The other option is to install MC14 on a trial basis, test your studies and if you encounter no problems and happy with the new version in all other respects, remove the trial and update your existing licenced MC. I haven't tried this myself but I will after the next release of MC14.

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 18 2021
by bowlesj3
The other option is to install MC14 on a trial basis, test your studies and if you encounter no problems and happy with the new version in all other respects, remove the trial and update your existing licences MC. I haven't tried this myself but I will after the next release of MC14.
This is a thought through question :-)
So for this to work the user data would be untouched (I have lots of backups by the way) and the program related files would be installed in a trial directory (or a set of trial directories) such that I could in theory alternate every day between the two and both the trial and original would use the same user data and user settings. If I decided to remove the trial version there would be an uninstall. If I decided to keep the trial I would uninstall both then install the trial as a keeper???? Or maybe instead this works by choosing a directory for user data and a special directory for the install so the original install does not get disturbed and a new icon uses the new directories. At the end if you like it you just uninstall the old or maintain a procedure of keeping the old until the next release (maybe naming the program directories (MC64_V13, MC64_V14, MC64_V15, etc) while never changing the user data and preferences directories.


Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 18 2021
by janus
I would not even attempt to install the trial on the same PC. I would either use another PC or use VMWare and download the latest Windows 10 development environment from ... -machines/
I have already used the latter approach for previous versions of MC to make sure my studies and DLLs still work across upgrades.

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 18 2021
by bowlesj3
Thanks Janus, I decided to thank in person in addition to clicking the button because I noticed your thanks count did not increase with the 2nd thanks. Maybe it works once per thread.

I would use another machine probably as I have one just as powerful.

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 18 2021
by TJ
I would not even attempt to install the trial on the same PC. I would either use another PC or use VMWare and download the latest Windows 10 development environment from ... -machines/
I have already used the latter approach for previous versions of MC to make sure my studies and DLLs still work across upgrades.
Every serious trader should have a 2nd machine for testing before implementing a new update. This is not just common sense, this is a professional practice.

For those who cannot afford a 2nd machine, I do have to ask why are you here?
For those who cannot afford a 2nd machine, do you have to upgrade? Do you need the new features?

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Jun 18 2021
by janus
Every serious trader should have a 2nd machine for testing before implementing a new update. This is not just common sense, this is a professional practice.

For those who cannot afford a 2nd machine, I do have to ask why are you here?
For those who cannot afford a 2nd machine, do you have to upgrade? Do you need the new features?
Indeed. The other option is to use VMWare Workstation Player and the latest Windows 10 development environment image. It's all free. So affordability need not even be a factor.

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Aug 08 2021
by vmodus
Every serious trader should have a 2nd machine for testing before implementing a new update. This is not just common sense, this is a professional practice.

For those who cannot afford a 2nd machine, I do have to ask why are you here?
For those who cannot afford a 2nd machine, do you have to upgrade? Do you need the new features?
Indeed. The other option is to use VMWare Workstation Player and the latest Windows 10 development environment image. It's all free. So affordability need not even be a factor.
Great answer. Any VM would be the way to go either local or remote (all my live trading is on a dedicated VM, offsite; development local).

Re: Free quotes stopped working May 17th?

Posted: Aug 16 2021
by Vlada MultiCharts
Hello bowlesj3,

If you are experiencing issues with some of the features in the latest release versions, please contact our support and describe it in more detail.
As an option, you can also create a separate thread for this issue if you prefer to post its description on the forum.

Please note that the Discussion Forum is not our primary support channel, we provide urgent support by email, Live Chat and by phone. You can always contact us via these channels to receive urgent support.

To be able to investigate the issue, we need to know the description of what is happening on your end.

Please do the following so that we could investigate your particular case and provide a solution:

Send us the Logs for analysis by going Help -> Feedback when the issue is reproduced.
Please enable “Attach a screenshot”, “Attach Log files…”, “Attach minidump…”, “Snapshot of the current MultiCharts setup”, “Open Workspaces”, “Data for active instruments…” and “Upload collected data to Help Desk”.
In the commentary section specify the time when the issue was reproduced so that we could find this place in the logs and press Send.

You can send any additional info to our email or attach it in Live Chat during a live session with the Live Chat operator.