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Yesterdays OHLC

Posted: Jul 18 2008
by kelly simon
I am wondering if there is a study in MC that will plot yesterdays open, close, high & low?


Posted: Jul 18 2008
by TJ
this can easily be done.

just use the plot keyword with the [1] offset...


plot1[1](open, "Open");
plot2[1](high, "High");
plot3[1](low, "Low");
plot4[1](close, "Close");

Posted: Jul 18 2008
by RobotMan
If you are using intraday data, I used to be able to use
For yesterday's OHLC in TS, but this does not seem to work in MC.

And don't even try
They're pretty useless.

So, you need to write code that references the prior intraday data.
Here's some sample code that might get you close. It does not check overnight data, I have another similar indicator that does that. And oh, BTW, I use it on emini tick data, not on stocks.

Code: Select all

{ Bob Perry 09/2007
Close of Yesterday: Cyan, point, weight=3
Open of today: White, point, weight=3
Intraday Highest High, Lowest Low: red/green cross
Yesterday Highest High, Lowest Low: red/green dot

Inputs: PriceLev(1.00), True_C1(0);
Vars: Reset(0), CCval(C), SpacerTxt(" "),
C1val(C), O1val(C), HHval(C), LLval(C), H1val(C), L1val(C),
C1ref(-1), O1ref(-1), HHref(-1), LLref(-1), H1ref(-1), L1ref(-1) ;

// Initialize Variables
If Date <> Date[1] then Reset = 0;

If time >= SessionStartTime(1,2) and time <= SessionEndTime(1,2) then begin
If Reset = 0 then begin
C1val = CCval;
H1val = HHval;
L1val = LLval;
HHval = 0;
LLval = 999999;
Reset = 1;

HHval = IFF(High>HHval,High,HHval);
LLval = IFF(Low<LLval,Low,LLval);
CCval = IFF(True_C1=0,Close,True_C1);
If Reset = 1 then O1val = Open;
Reset = 2;

// Plots
If (AbsValue(O1val-H) < PriceLev) or (AbsValue(L-O1val) < PriceLev) then begin

If Date = CurrentDate AND time_s >= LastCalcSSTime then begin
If O1ref <> -1 Then Text_SetLocation_s(O1ref, Date, Time_s, O1val)
Else Begin
O1ref = Text_New_s(Date, Time_s, O1val, SpacerTxt + "Open");
Text_SetStyle(O1ref, 0, 2);
Text_SetColor(O1ref, white) ;

If (AbsValue(C1val-H) < PriceLev) or (AbsValue(L-C1val) < PriceLev) then begin

If Date = CurrentDate AND time_s >= LastCalcSSTime then begin
If C1ref <> -1 Then Text_SetLocation_s(C1ref, Date, Time_s, C1val)
Else Begin
C1ref = Text_New_s(Date, Time_s, C1val, SpacerTxt + "C1");
Text_SetStyle(C1ref, 0, 2);
Text_SetColor(C1ref, cyan) ;

If HHval-H <= PriceLev then Begin
Plot3(HHval, "HH");

If Date = CurrentDate AND time_s >= LastCalcSSTime then begin
If HHref <> -1 Then Text_SetLocation_s(HHref, Date, Time_s, HHval)
Else Begin
HHref = Text_New_s(Date, Time_s, HHval, SpacerTxt + "HH");
Text_SetStyle(HHref, 0, 2);
Text_SetColor(HHref, green) ;

If L-LLval <= PriceLev then Begin
Plot4(LLval, "LL");

If Date = CurrentDate AND time_s >= LastCalcSSTime then begin
If LLref <> -1 Then Text_SetLocation_s(LLref, Date, Time_s, LLval)
Else Begin
LLref = Text_New_s(Date, Time_s, LLval, SpacerTxt + "LL");
Text_SetStyle(LLref, 0, 2);
Text_SetColor(LLref, RGB(255,0,0) ) ;

// Alerts
If H > HHval[1] or L < LLval[1] then Alert;

// Yesterdays HH and LL
If AbsValue(H1val-H) <= PriceLev then Begin
Plot5(H1val, "HH[1]");

If Date = CurrentDate AND time_s >= LastCalcSSTime then begin
If H1ref <> -1 Then Text_SetLocation_s(H1ref, Date, Time_s, H1val)
Else Begin
H1ref = Text_New_s(Date, Time_s, H1val, SpacerTxt + "HH[1]");
Text_SetStyle(H1ref, 0, 2);
Text_SetColor(H1ref, RGB(0,128,0)) ;

If AbsValue(L-L1val) <= PriceLev then Begin
Plot6(L1val, "LL[1]");

If Date = CurrentDate AND time_s >= LastCalcSSTime then begin
If L1ref <> -1 Then Text_SetLocation_s(L1ref, Date, Time_s, L1val)
Else Begin
L1ref = Text_New_s(Date, Time_s, L1val, SpacerTxt + "LL[1]");
Text_SetStyle(L1ref, 0, 2);
Text_SetColor(L1ref, RGB(139,0,0)) ;

// - - - EOF - - -
I know that seems a lot more complicated than OpenD, HighD etc. But that is the way it is. Maybe Marina or Andrew know an easier way.

Hope that helps,
Bob Perry
Los Altos, CA

Posted: Jul 19 2008
by wullenweber helmut
HereĀ“s a code to plot yesterdays high & low to intraday charts. Alternative to the plot function you can use the code in brackets to show trendlines, until MC will able to plot flatlines via plot function. Working with trendlines your charts will look better, but it loads your CPU.

Code: Select all

Input: Lookback(1);
var: HH(0),LL(0);
var: PlotEndTime(2200),StartTime(0800), EndTime(2200),

HH = HighestD(Lookback);
LL = LowestD (Lookback);


Linie1 = TL_New(date,StartTime,HH,date,EndTime,HH);
Linie2 = TL_New(date,StartTime,LL,date,EndTime,LL);


Posted: Jul 22 2008
by Marina Pashkova
You can also try the OHLCPeriodsAgo function.

Posted: Jul 29 2008
by kelly simon
Thanks wullenweber - works a treat.

Posted: Jul 29 2008
by RobotMan
I couldn't get HighestD(Lookback) and LowestD (Lookback) to compile in the PLE.

Code: Select all

vars: oPeriodOpen(0), oPeriodHigh(0), oPeriodLow(0), oPeriodClose(0);

Value1 = OHLCPeriodsAgo(1, 1, oPeriodOpen, oPeriodHigh, oPeriodLow, oPeriodClose);

Value2 = oPeriodHigh;
Value3 = oPeriodLow;

Seems to work ok though.

MC 3.1.1353.400

Bob Perry
Los Altos, CA

Posted: Jul 29 2008
by kelly simon
Meant to add, that I had to substitute LowD & HighD for LowestD & HighestD


Posted: Jul 29 2008
by RobotMan
Meant to add, that I had to substitute LowD & HighD for LowestD & HighestD
Great, I did not know those were working again. That makes it even easier! :D

Bob Perry
Los Altos, CA

Posted: Jul 31 2008
by kelly simon
At present, what is plotting using wullenweber's code (using HighD & LowD), seems to actually be yesterdays high & low of the whole 24 hour period.

I am taking it that this is useful to have on charts, though I am after the actual open & close price as well.

With respect to the time periods - even if I change the window to Regular Hours (under format symbol), I am still seeing the whole 24 hour period of prices. I don't want to change the setting in symbol manager as I want the symbol set to 24 hours for other price windows.

Posted: Jul 31 2008
by RobotMan
Yeah, these globex markets, by definition are 24 hour. The open is only 15 minutes after the close. That is why I use my own code and initiate and terminate the data collection times. See big post of mine above for sample code.

Code: Select all

// Initialize Variables
If Date <> Date[1] then Reset = 0;

If time >= SessionStartTime(1,2) and time <= SessionEndTime(1,2) then begin
If Reset = 0 then begin
C1val = CCval;
H1val = HHval;
L1val = LLval;
HHval = 0;
LLval = 999999;
Reset = 1;

HHval = IFF(High>HHval,High,HHval);
LLval = IFF(Low<LLval,Low,LLval);
CCval = IFF(True_C1=0,Close,True_C1);
If Reset = 1 then O1val = Open;
Reset = 2;
Now you just have the RTH pit traded hours and save the RTH H, L, C values from the day before. (I use a separate plot that shows the H and L from overnight.)

Bob Perry
Los Altos, CA

Posted: Aug 06 2008
by Januson
This is interesting..
I've just built Floor Traders Pivot, using

And it seems to work just fine :shock: Have I missed something?

Posted: Aug 06 2008
by RobotMan
This is interesting..
I've just built Floor Traders Pivot, using

And it seems to work just fine Have I missed something?


I was using 3.1.1353.400 and it did not work, but now I am trying 4.0.1440.201 and it works for me too!

Bob Perry
Los Altos, CA