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Cannot Import into PL Editor

Posted: Jul 15 2022
by albevier
I'm not sure when the problem started but am now attempting to import my two year old strategies and indicators well as a recently purchased ELD indicator. I've done the usual troubleshooting: installed the latest version of MC; installed MC on a clean PC, start apps as "administrator", insure everything is updated, restart PC, try the same import on two different PCs, try different scripts, etc.. Each attempt and all I get is an empty import dialog box.

The two attached screen shots tell the story better than words. The screen shots are for a single ELD file but I get the same failure for an Ela or Eld files and whether the attempt is for a single or multiple files.

Not a huge deal since I only have fifty to sixty strategies and I can open the files in a text editor, copy, and compile one at a time. But .... I cannot import protected scripts which I purchase and the ones I've created, I'd rather just import them all in one go.


Re: Cannot Import into PL Editor

Posted: Jul 21 2022
by Polly MultiCharts
Hello Albevier,

Unfortunately, protected ELD files cannot be imported to MultiCharts.
As for the purchased scripts you need to contact your strategy developer, ask them to export the strategy in SEF format and then import it by following this guide.
Concerning the scripts that you have created yourself please describe the steps that you’ve done to export and import the study and attach screenshots demonstrating the issue.

Re: Cannot Import into PL Editor  [SOLVED]

Posted: Aug 07 2022
by albevier
Thanks Polly; I'll contact the vendor to send me the strategy in SEF format.

As for my old scripts, the answer is in your question -- I did not export them. Not a big deal -- I only need about twenty of the old strategies so I'll cut and past the text into the newest PL editor and compile.

Gong forward I'll add an export of all my PL code to my regular backups.

Re: Cannot Import into PL Editor

Posted: Aug 08 2022
by Polly MultiCharts
Happy to help!
Please let us know if you have any other questions or issues.