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VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: Oct 05 2023
by sforbes
MultiCharts64 Version 14.0 Release (Build 25218)
Can anybody help? I am not a coder.
I am getting inconsistent results with the attached Study and Function.
The Study works OK on the SPY, OXY and VXX but not on VIX or other charts like DVN etc but not always, there tends to be inconsistency, are there too many data points for it to cope with or too many decimal points ? However it never works on EUR.USD or other currencies.

I get a message as follows:
Error in Study "VWAP_BANDS(ERY-3Minute)" ; {EXCEPTION}
(19.66 KiB) Downloaded 140 times
Floating-point division by zero
I cannot identify where the floating point problem is occurring.
I have attached the Study and Function.
Any suggestions as to how I could fix it would be much appreciated.

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: Oct 15 2023
by maxhrc
Hi, check this code if works fine.

Excuse Sir TJ :wink:

Code: Select all

input: time_start (1530), time_stop (2259), upColor(blue), dnColor(Red); vars: vwap(0), pv(0), Totalvolume(0), Barfromstart(0), Squareddeviations(0), Probabilityweighteddeviations(0), deviationsum(0), standarddeviation(0), OncePerDay(0); If date > date[1] then OncePerDay = 0 ; If Time >= time_start and Time <= time_stop and OncePerDay = 0 then begin OncePerDay = 1 ; Barfromstart=0; pv=AvgPrice*volume; Totalvolume=volume; vwap=pv/totalvolume; end else begin Barfromstart=Barfromstart[1]+1; pv=pv[1] + AvgPrice*Volume; Totalvolume=Totalvolume[1] + Volume; vwap=pv/Totalvolume; end; deviationsum=0; for value1= 0 to Barfromstart begin Squareddeviations=Square( vwap-avgprice[value1]); Probabilityweighteddeviations=volume[value1]*Squareddeviations/Totalvolume; deviationsum=deviationsum +Probabilityweighteddeviations; end; standarddeviation=SquareRoot(deviationsum); Plot1(vwap, "VWAP"); plot2(vwap+standarddeviation*0.25, "0.25VWAP"); Plot3(vwap+standarddeviation*0.50, "0.50VWAP"); plot4(vwap - standarddeviation*0.25, "-025VWAP"); Plot5(vwap - standarddeviation*0.50, "-050VWAP"); plot6(vwap+standarddeviation, "+1 StDev"); plot7(vwap+standarddeviation*1.25, "+1.25 StDev"); plot8(vwap+standarddeviation*0.75, "+0.75 StDev"); plot9(vwap+standarddeviation*2.25, "+2.25 StDev"); plot10(vwap+standarddeviation*1.75, "+1.75 StDev"); plot11(vwap+standarddeviation*3.25, "+3.25 StDev"); plot12(vwap+standarddeviation*2.75, "+2.75 StDev"); plot13(vwap+2*standarddeviation, "+2 StDev"); plot14(vwap+3*standarddeviation, "+3 StDev"); plot15(vwap-standarddeviation, "-1 StDev"); plot16(vwap-2*standarddeviation, "-2 StDev"); plot17(vwap-3*standarddeviation, "-3 StDev"); plot18(vwap-standarddeviation*1.25, "-1.25 StDev"); plot19(vwap-standarddeviation*0.75, "-0.75 StDev"); plot20(vwap-standarddeviation*2.25, "-2.25 StDev"); plot21(vwap-standarddeviation*1.75, "-1.75 StDev"); plot22(vwap-standarddeviation*3.25, "-3.25 StDev"); plot23(vwap-standarddeviation*2.75, "-2.75 StDev"); var: var1(yellow); if vwap > vwap[1] then var1 = upColor; if vwap < vwap[1] then var1 = dnColor; SetPlotColor(1,var1);

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: Oct 16 2023
by TJ
See posts #1 & #2
1. [FAQ] How to Post Codes ... so that people can read.

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: Nov 04 2023
by rrams
If you still want the original Vwap-_bands_5 indicator fixed, I can edit it to behave better. Just realize that Volume Weighted Average Price is bombing with division by zero error because of missing volume data. Some symbols have historical volume available, some only have real-time volume available and forex symbols like EUR.USD do not use volume. For forex you could set "Build Volume On" to "Tick Count" instead of "Trade Volume".

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: Nov 06 2023
by sforbes
Thanks rrams for your suggestion, tried changing to 'Tick Count' on (Build Volume on) EUR.USD it made no difference, still comes back with 'floating-point division by zero'

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: Nov 10 2023
by Mark Brown


// Function to safely perform division
Function SafeDivide(Numerator, Denominator: Numeric): Numeric;
If Denominator <> 0 Then
Result = Numerator / Denominator
Result = 0; // Avoid division by zero

// Reset OncePerDay at the start of a new day
If date > date[1] then OncePerDay = 0;

// VWAP calculation
If Time >= time_start and Time <= time_stop and OncePerDay = 0 then begin
OncePerDay = 1;
Barfromstart = 0;
pv = AvgPrice * volume;
Totalvolume = volume;
vwap = SafeDivide(pv, Totalvolume); // Use SafeDivide to avoid division by zero
end else begin
Barfromstart = Barfromstart[1] + 1;
pv = pv[1] + AvgPrice * Volume;
Totalvolume = Totalvolume[1] + Volume;
vwap = SafeDivide(pv, Totalvolume); // Use SafeDivide

// Standard deviation calculation
deviationsum = 0;
for value1 = 0 to Barfromstart begin
Squareddeviations = Square(vwap - avgprice[value1]);
// Ensure Totalvolume is not zero
if Totalvolume > 0 then begin
Probabilityweighteddeviations = SafeDivide(volume[value1] * Squareddeviations, Totalvolume);
deviationsum = deviationsum + Probabilityweighteddeviations;

standarddeviation = SquareRoot(deviationsum);

// Plotting and coloring logic...

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: Nov 24 2023
by sforbes
Hello Mark,
Thanks for your suggestion, I have only just seen it.

As I am not a coder please can you indicate where I am making a mistake, I am getting a Compile error
syntax error, unexpected 'identificator'
line 19, column 9:
Which is the line starting:
// Function to safely perform division
Function SafeDivide(Numerator, Denominator: Numeric): Numeric;
Many thanks.

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: May 14 2024
by Rick Webber
Hello Mark,
That code needs some TLC from you. Can't compile like that.

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: May 14 2024
by Rick Webber
Hello Mark,
Thanks for your suggestion, I have only just seen it.

As I am not a coder please can you indicate where I am making a mistake, I am getting a Compile error
syntax error, unexpected 'identificator'
line 19, column 9:
Which is the line starting:
// Function to safely perform division
Function SafeDivide(Numerator, Denominator: Numeric): Numeric;
Many thanks.

Any luck getting that to work sforbes ?

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: May 16 2024
by Mark Brown

Code: Select all

inputs: time_start(1530), // Start time for calculation in HHMM format time_stop(2259), // End time for calculation in HHMM format upColor(blue), // Color for upward movement dnColor(red); // Color for downward movement vars: vwap(0), // Variable for VWAP pv(0), // Price-volume product for VWAP calculation Totalvolume(0), // Accumulator for total volume within time range Barfromstart(0), // Number of bars since start of calculation Squareddeviations(0), // Squared deviations for standard deviation calculation Probabilityweighteddeviations(0), // Weighted deviations for volume deviationsum(0), // Sum of deviations standarddeviation(0), // Standard deviation of prices OncePerDay(0); // Flag to ensure VWAP is calculated once per day // Function to safely perform division Function SafeDivide(Numerator, Denominator: Numeric): Numeric; Begin If Denominator <> 0 Then Result = Numerator / Denominator Else Result = 0; // Avoid division by zero by returning zero if denominator is zero End; // Reset OncePerDay at the start of a new day If date > date[1] then OncePerDay = 0; // VWAP calculation If Time >= time_start and Time <= time_stop and OncePerDay = 0 then begin OncePerDay = 1; // Ensure calculations only start once per day Barfromstart = 0; // Reset bar counter pv = AvgPrice * volume; // Calculate initial price-volume Totalvolume = volume; // Set initial volume vwap = SafeDivide(pv, Totalvolume); // Initial VWAP calculation using SafeDivide end else begin Barfromstart = Barfromstart[1] + 1; // Increment bar count from start pv = pv[1] + AvgPrice * Volume; // Update price-volume accumulation Totalvolume = Totalvolume[1] + Volume; // Update volume accumulation vwap = SafeDivide(pv, Totalvolume); // Recalculate VWAP end; // Standard deviation calculation deviationsum = 0; for value1 = 0 to Barfromstart begin Squareddeviations = Square(vwap - avgprice[value1]); // Calculate squared deviation from VWAP if Totalvolume > 0 then begin Probabilityweighteddeviations = SafeDivide(volume[value1] * Squareddeviations, Totalvolume); deviationsum = deviationsum + Probabilityweighteddeviations; // Sum weighted deviations end; end; standarddeviation = SquareRoot(deviationsum); // Calculate standard deviation // Plotting and coloring logic Plot1(vwap, "VWAP", Default, Default); // Plot VWAP on chart Plot2(standarddeviation, "StdDev", Default, Default); // Plot Standard Deviation // Change bar colors based on comparison with VWAP If C > vwap then SetPlotColor(1, upColor) // If close is above VWAP, color it blue else SetPlotColor(1, dnColor); // If close is below VWAP, color it red

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: May 21 2024
by sforbes
// Function to safely perform division
Function SafeDivide(Numerator, Denominator: Numeric): Numeric;

Thanks for your code Mark, it still throws up the following on trying to compile:

syntax error, unexpected 'identificator'
at line 19, column 9 which is the place in the code that is causing the problem see below:

Function SafeDivide(Numerator, Denominator: Numeric): Numeric;
If Denominator <> 0 Then
Result = Numerator / Denominator
Result = 0; // Avoid division by zero by returning zero if denominator is zero

Re: VWAP Bands Problem with Exception Floating-point division by zero

Posted: May 21 2024
by rrams
Function SafeDivide(Numerator, Denominator: Numeric): Numeric;
- I wish MultiCharts allowed inline functions; that would help de-clutter my code database, but alas, no.

For error trapping an indicator that shows on the main subchart; it is not a good idea to just zero out the result to avoid division by zero. That has the effect of compressing the price chart because of the scale. It is better to just use the #Return keyword to avoid plotting that result.

For those that write and distribute indicators, I prefer if they would briefly explain its use in comments on the first lines of code and the bar interval it should use and where the idea came from so I can give them credit if I modify.

It is also a good idea to idiot-proof signals and indicators using alerts. Here is your original indicator re-worked so that it tells you more information if something is wrong: