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Spread trading with ADE and ELCollections

Posted: Feb 14 2024
by AlessandroD

I was trying to write a trading system which uses ADE and ELCollections for spread trading.

The idea I came up with was to use 5 charts, with the following roles:
  • charts 1 and 2 are the "background", i.e. they contain the signals which are used for trading, but simply send the current openpositionprofit;
  • chart 3 is the "sender"; it receives the current profits from charts 1 and 2 and decides whether a given portfolio SL/TP has been reached;
  • charts 4 and 5 also contain the signals used for trading, and receive from chart 3 an instruction to close the position if the SL/TP has been reached.
A simple code which implements this idea is the following:

Code: Select all

inputs: nameSender(""), name1(""), name2(""), spread(0), sender(0), background(0), firstSignal(true), slPortf(1000), tpPortf(300); variables: profitOne(0), profitTwo(0), class("sigOne&sigTwo%sender"), mapsigOne(MapSN.New), mapsigTwo(MapSN.New), mapSender(MapSN.New), instruction(0); if background = 1 then begin if firstSignal then begin if close crosses above (close data2) then sellshort next bar market; if close crosses below (close data2) then buytocover next bar market; profitOne = 0; if marketposition = -1 then profitOne = openpositionprofit; MapSN.Put(mapsigOne, "sigOne", profitOne); ADE.PutBarInfo("sigOne", symbolName, ADE.BarInterval, ADE.BarID, mapsigOne); end else begin if close crosses below (close data2) then buy next bar market; if close crosses above (close data2) then sell next bar market; profitTwo = 0; if marketposition = 1 then profitTwo = openpositionprofit; MapSN.Put(mapsigTwo, "sigTwo", profitTwo); ADE.PutBarInfo("sigTwo", symbolName, ADE.BarInterval, ADE.BarID, mapsigTwo); end; end; if sender = 1 then begin ADE.GetBarInfo("sigOne", name1, 1440, ADE.BarID, mapsigOne); value1 = MapSN.Get(mapsigOne, "sigOne"); ADE.GetBarInfo("sigTwo", name2, 1440, ADE.BarID, mapsigTwo); value2 = MapSN.Get(mapsigTwo, "sigTwo"); instruction = 0; if (value1 + value2 < -slPortf) or (value1 + value2 > tpPortf) then instruction = 1; MapSN.Put(mapSender, "sender", instruction ); ADE.PutBarInfo("sender", symbolName, ADE.BarInterval, ADE.BarID, mapSender); end; if spread = 1 then begin ADE.GetBarInfo("sender", nameSender, 1440, ADE.BarID, mapSender); value1 = MapSN.Get(mapSender, "sender"); if value1 = 1 then begin sell next bar market; buytocover next bar market; end; if firstSignal then begin if close crosses above (close data2) then sellshort next bar market; if close crosses below (close data2) then buytocover next bar market; end else begin if close crosses below (close data2) then buy next bar market; if close crosses above (close data2) then sell next bar market; end; end;
Now, my question is: is there a simpler way to do this?
